So our upstairs a/c has been having trouble all summer. We had to call our home warranty out in April because it wasn't keeping up. They said it was just dirty and needed a little refill on freon (sp?). Fine. Well, then it stopped working at the end of June again. It just couldn't keep up. I realize it's like 105 out for the 25th day or something ridiculous, but come on. It was keeping up until then and it wasn't able to get the temp down for ages even at night after the sun was down. Call back the warranty. They tell me it's dirty (again?!?!) and clean it even though that's what DH did when it started having trouble. I said, whatever and figured I'd wait and see how it did b/c FIL said a ton of crap came out when they were cleaning it. Well, sure enough today, it's out again. They were just out here last Monday so it's been less than 2 weeks. Now the stupid outside fan thingy isn't even turning. Of course, the company is so swamped right now (did I mention it's 105?) that they aren't even answering the phones. It took three tries to get through to anything and then I was just able to leave a message. I'm beyond pissed because I told the guy when he came last week that DH had just cleaned it and I didn't think that was it. Whatever. They better get their
@sses back out here and FIX IT ASAP. Of course, they won't and it'll be a few days at least. Thank God our downstairs a/c still works. Looks like we're all going to be camping out downstairs and sleeping in the living room for a few days...hopefully just a few days! Ugh!! And they better call me back. Last time they didn't even call me back but just showed up.
I could have wrote this last year. I *hate* home warranty companies, they suck. We finally got an approval to have an a/c company come out that was not contracted with the home warr company. Turns out the dumbass that the warr co sent out missed a MILLION issues and we had a MAJOR fire hazard. So we sent the proof to the warr co and they approved the other company to fix it. We had to have an entire new a/c put in.
Good luck! I hope you get it fixed asap, heat SUCKS.
I'm in DFW and have A/C issues for the last several weeks - I can completely relate.
Ours is technically under warranty until the end of November however the sh*ty A/C contractor that our builder used never filled out the paperwork correctly so the had it expire in April (at that time, our house was a vacant piece of land). Fast forward, got the buider to verify our closing in November and now York will cover. HOWEVER York no longer makes our crappy a$$ unit nor the replacement parts. We have a fantastic a/c guy who finally after 2 weeks put in a fan from another unit to get us through (same issue - 25 days of 100+ temps, I WFH and am 6 months pg too!). Out a/c guy warned us that York is a pretty crappy system so we are planning that we'll have to replace not long after the warranty runs out.
And yes, we changed the air filter and tried everything else we could think of. But now that the outside fan isn't even spinning, I have to guess it's the compressor or something more serious... I'm just so glad we have a separate a/c for upstairs and downstairs and the pool. The a/c company is coming back out sometime on Friday. They get to deal with DH since I'm going halfway to Houston to pick up my niece and I have DS's 18 month appt so I'm gone all day. Maybe DH will have better luck than I've had.