Detroit Babies


Hope it's a great day for everyone.  Smile



Lovin' Life: M+D 7/06, T 1/08, B 5/10
Getting back to it- my diet and exercise blog
Losing it...Without Losing it

Re: Morning!

  • image

    haha.  Good Morning to you too, Mere!


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  • Morning! I am ready for it to be friday already. This week is dragging for me.

    Anything fun planned for anyone this week?

     We are going to Sterlingfest on Sat. Other than that we have tasks to get done like swtich ou the old fridge for the new and buy a new grill.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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  • imageKBabySmiles:


    haha.  Good Morning to you too, Mere!


    This is EXACTLY how I felt this morning when I got up, but I was able to get a shower in before the 1 year old woke up. And when I came downstairs, the 3 year old was sitting on the couch reading his books.  Today's off to a good start for me.

    Lovin' Life: M+D 7/06, T 1/08, B 5/10
    Getting back to it- my diet and exercise blog
    Losing it...Without Losing it
  • imageMere7706:


    haha.  Good Morning to you too, Mere!


    This is EXACTLY how I felt this morning when I got up, but I was able to get a shower in before the 1 year old woke up. And when I came downstairs, the 3 year old was sitting on the couch reading his books.  Today's off to a good start for me.


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  • I'm late, it's almost not morning anymore :)  But is was a blah morning for me too.  At least Gabe STTN again!  We are past the 2 week mark, so my sleep training must have worked!
    Gabriel Joseph 6/13/2010
    BFP#2: 8/14/11 M/C 8/30/11 6w1d
    BFP #3: 10/26/11
    Beta #1 @11dpo: 22 Beta #2 @13dpo: 90 Beta #3 @17dpo: 480
    Missed m/c 12w3d 12/28/11, d&c 12/30/11
    dx Homozygous C677T MTHFR image image
  • i have high hopes for today :)
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imageballerina06:
    I'm late, it's almost not morning anymore :)  But is was a blah morning for me too.  At least Gabe STTN again!  We are past the 2 week mark, so my sleep training must have worked!

    Jealous... wanna give me some tips?  :)

    Lovin' Life: M+D 7/06, T 1/08, B 5/10
    Getting back to it- my diet and exercise blog
    Losing it...Without Losing it
  • imageMere7706:

    I'm late, it's almost not morning anymore :)  But is was a blah morning for me too.  At least Gabe STTN again!  We are past the 2 week mark, so my sleep training must have worked!

    Jealous... wanna give me some tips?  :)

    Read the No Cry Sleep Solution.  Seriously saved us.  Routine is key and it turns out I was actually trying to put him to bed too late.  10 minutes earlier for bedtime routine = STTN.  Crazy how much of a difference 10 minutes makes!

    Gabriel Joseph 6/13/2010
    BFP#2: 8/14/11 M/C 8/30/11 6w1d
    BFP #3: 10/26/11
    Beta #1 @11dpo: 22 Beta #2 @13dpo: 90 Beta #3 @17dpo: 480
    Missed m/c 12w3d 12/28/11, d&c 12/30/11
    dx Homozygous C677T MTHFR image image
  • I wonder if I do wait too late to put him to bed.  He's doing better with putting himself to sleep for naps, which I'm thrilled about. He's a hit or miss for STTN. I'll have to check that book out. Thank you!
    I never had any problems with T, so to some extent I feel like a new mom again! :(

    Lovin' Life: M+D 7/06, T 1/08, B 5/10
    Getting back to it- my diet and exercise blog
    Losing it...Without Losing it
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