evening primrose oil

dakota01dakota01 member
Have you heard if this is a safe method for vbacs to use? I went overdue last pg and to avoid induction took castor oil. I have read some things about epo and that it can help prepare for labor. Id rather do that than resort to castor oil again I just want to avoid induction and frankly don't know if theyy would being a vbac.

Re: evening primrose oil

  • I never used it, but from everything I read it was fine for VBACs.  I'd ask your midwife or OB (although not sure how well versed OBs are on EPO). 
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My midwife recommended it.  I've been inserting on capsule vaginally at night for a week or two now.  I had "FTP", so I'm trying to prep my cervix as much as possible this time.
    Mama to Elliot (11.09.08) and Jude (09.01.11)
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  • My midwife recommended it at my 37 week appointment and I've been using it since then.  However, she only wants me to insert a capsule vaginally...evidently there have been some studies that show taking it orally can cause complications in labor so she didn't want me to take it orally.  Sorry I don't have any links, although I do remember reading about possible complications (possibly from the NIH site?) but they were not specific to VBAC.
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