incision problems and operative records

So, I know I've posted a few questions about my c/s incision and the pain I've had with it. Well, I went to my new OB today and he said that I had alot more scar tissue buildup than we should expect after this much time and that this was likely the cause. 

I asked about scar massage therapy (suggested by DH early after my c/s and shot down by my old OB) and my new OB said he highly recommends this so now at least I have a plan. He said to apply a heating pack to the incision, then have the area massaged by DH, and then apply a cold pack. He said this should break up the adhesions caused by my c/s.

Interestingly enough, we also went through my operative record together and found that my OB left out and falsified certain details that would keep him from looking careless. No where does it mention that he broke my water and then discovered I was breech. In the report it says I was in active labor (not true) and then it was found that I was breech. His report said that my water was broken during the c/s itself. Pretty sure you can only break a person's water once within a 2 hour period (my new OB agreed). Not sure if there is anything that can be done about this but I do plan to report it to medical records to show that at least there are discrepancies in my records. Also, his listing of what medicines I was prescribed was incorrect as well and does not correlate to the medications actually given.
DS1: 8/3/10, DD1: 8/17/13, DD2: 8/13/15
Twins lost to due to partial molar pregnancy: September 2011 
~~PAL, PgAL Always Welcome~~

Re: incision problems and operative records

  • I have never heard of massage for scar tissue?  I might try it, my incision has been extra sore lately, and I was feeling it yesterday, and I noticed the lump is really thick.  I had scar tissue issues from a previous surgery,  and almost had to have another surgery to remove it, so I can't say I am surprised.


    And that is really scary that they falsified your records.  Same thing happened to me.  I had g/a, my baby was deliveried at 3:52, my records say I am awake and alert at 4:27.  I most likely just finished surgery at that point, plus my mom said that they told her at 5:15ish, that they were about to wake me.  And the records never mention I had a spinal anesthisia.

    And you really gave me something to think about, my ob discovered baby was breech after breaking my water, I never thought of that as being careless on his end.  There wasn't anything they could do about it though, since baby had dropped anyways.

    ETA: the anestioligists report is the one falsified, not my obs.  His mentions the spinal.  But I think something fishy is going on with the anesthiologist, their office won't return my calls. I have been trying for over 2 months.  2 days ago, I threatened to get a lawyer, someone called me back the next day....

  • I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it was intentionally falsified, but errors happen all the time and I found several in mine as well.  Heck, mine even failed to mention what type of uterine incision I had! 

    As far as breaking the bag of waters, it is possible to break it twice (there is a forebag), but realistically they probably wrote it up wrong.  Frustrating, hey?

    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it was intentionally falsified, but errors happen all the time and I found several in mine as well.  Heck, mine even failed to mention what type of uterine incision I had! 

    As far as breaking the bag of waters, it is possible to break it twice (there is a forebag), but realistically they probably wrote it up wrong.  Frustrating, hey?

    Considering the fact that he called the hospital 5 times asking if I'd been moved to L&D so he could break my water I would really think he would remember it. Also, yes, it is possible to break your water twice but not within such a short period of time. In the event that your water breaks naturally (sometimes it's just a leak) I have been told it is possible for it to heal itself over time. Given that mine were manually ruptured and I was leaking large amounts of fluid all the way up to surgery I'm pretty sure it wasn't broken again. Also, when the doctor spoke to me about having to have a c/s I asked about a version (trying to turn the baby) and he told me he couldn't since my water had already been broken. I'm pretty sure he was just trying the CYA method of write-up and figured I'd never look over my records.

    DS1: 8/3/10, DD1: 8/17/13, DD2: 8/13/15
    Twins lost to due to partial molar pregnancy: September 2011 
    ~~PAL, PgAL Always Welcome~~
  • I hope the messasge helps you recover.  It has helped me, even though I still hate to touch my scar.  I may try it with the heat/cold.  I haven't tried that.
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