I have 13 day old twins who have been home with us only a week. While in the NICU they were given my pumped milk and 2 oz of formula and were on a tight 3 hr feed schedule. i am trying to BF but it seems to only last them 1-2 hours and they are always hungry. Since i pump I know I get atleast 2oz a boob so they are getting milk.
any thoughts? do i go back to feeding them formula & bm?
Re: breastfeeding twins - MOM need your help
Everything sounds normal to me! I would continue to feed them on demand (even if it feels like thats all you are ever doing), and eventually they will need to eat less often and you will be making more milk!
We had to supplement with formula until I was producing more milk. Mine quickly increased intake. When they do take pumped milk are they sucking a 2 oz bottle dry? Maybe you just aren't producing enough right now. I do know I started to produce a ton more as the weeks went on, but I started to exclusively pump after a few weeks.
Sorry for rambling so much! Lots of thoughts going through my mind, but if they are not making the 3 hour schedule I am guessing they are just not getting enough to eat. Good Luck!!
My girls did demand to nurse every 1.5- 2 hours and continued to bottle feed every two hours even after I switched to formula. Formula stays in their little bellies longer and they got used to that. I would just keep letting them nurse on demand for a bit and see how it goes if you feel you can keep up. My girls had to stop nursing at 3 weeks due to food allergies, but I will be BFing with the new baby, as long as their are no medical issues.
Are you pumping, too? I loved the NICU schedule and stuck with it. So at first, after I would BF, I'd give the boys an ounce or so of pumped milk to top them off. That phase didn't last long, though. They started taking full feeds from me after being home for a week or two.
I swear by the NICU schedule. I credit it for why my boys were sleeping through the night at 8 wk (adj) and now sleep 11 hours straight.
This exactly! I felt like a dairy cow for the first 3 months. After that It got so much better and they were able to go a little longer.
I'm in a simular situation as you. Mine are 3 weeks and I've been breastfeeding and supplementing with 2 oz of either pumped breastmilk or formula. It started with formula before I had enough to breastfeed and pump. They lost a lot of weight before even leaving the hospital so I didn't really have a choice.
Since coming home, I've still be supplementing every feed. I try to use pumped milk with the exception of the middle of the night feeds because I'm not pumping with those feedings. I've noticed they stay fuller longer with formula than with breastmilk but I'm doing the best I can.
I breastfeed just about every 3 hours and immediately supplement. Then an hour later, I pump. My boobs are pretty much always hanging out
Does your hopsital have a lacation consultant or breastfeeding support group? I've been attending a support group and the LC who runs it has been a lifesaver for me.
Ditto! These first few weeks are really key in establishing your long term milk production. If they want to nurse, let them nurse. I know it will feel like they're nursing all the time, but your supply will be all the better for it. If they're sleepy and falling asleep at the breast, try to stimulate them to stay awake (with a wet washcloth if you have to, or by wiggling your nipple in their mouth with your thumb and forefinger) so it doesn't take as long. If they're on there for 20 minutes, they're probably not getting a ton after that (watch out for flutter sucks, that is probably more for comfort than nutrition and you can stop for a while.) They'll get way more efficient and easier to nurse as they get older and it won't take so long.
The NICU schedule is great, but I don't know a ton of BFing Moms (MOMs or otherwise) who can successfully BF on that schedule. Everyone I know who EBFs says the 3 hour schedule is a pipe dream for a while (we're just getting there now.)
Ditto pp. It's normal.
I would drop pumping all together for now to save you time and would EBF. You don't need to know your output and pumping isn't a good indicator anyhow. Your supply is already in, so if you want to pump you can, but it is completely unnecessary. Put the babies to the breast as often as they need it, even if it's every 1-2 hours. You will feel like you are feeding non-stop and you really will be for a while. I think i sat BFing for about 12 hours a day in the beginning. I sat so much that I developed hemmerhoids, which I didn't even get while pg. It's grueling, frustrating and exhausting but it will get better. Hang in there.
I agree it sounds normal, I stuck with pumping because the NICU doctors told me they didn't want them to work hard to eat so bottle was easier and to keep it to 30 minute feedings and to stop because it would wear them out to go any longer.
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