
WWYD - neighbor issue?

So I don't tend to get into others business, but this morning I was sitting on my front porch having my morning coffee when the neighbor left for work.  She put her 2 year old in the front seat, no carseat, no seat belt lit a cig and took off.

I don't think this is a one time thing, but can't be sure.  Do you report this or just stay out of it?  Who would you report it to, the cops or family services?


Re: WWYD - neighbor issue?

  • Are you friendly with this neighbor? Could you say something casual in passing? If not, then I would say to call the police. Next time you see her leave the house like that call and provide them with her vehicle make and model and license plate number.

    IDK, I'm going back and forth with my answer here, that is so tough.

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  • Whoa - I would have no problem calling the police if I saw that again. The airbag could decapitate that baby if it deployed.  If it were someone who was using the wrong type of carseat (like FF or booster too young) I would try saying something since there's a possibility they just don't know the recommendations.  But anyone who lights a cigarette with a 2 year old in the car loses the benefit of the doubt from me.
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  • I don't think there's anything they can do about it if they don't catch her in the act, but I would call 911 if you see it again and have the police look for her car.
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  • curious -- cd she be driving around the corner to drop him off or something?
  • imageA-baybride:
    Whoa - I would have no problem calling the police if I saw that again. The airbag could decapitate that baby if it deployed.  If it were someone who was using the wrong type of carseat (like FF or booster too young) I would try saying something since there's a possibility they just don't know the recommendations.  But anyone who lights a cigarette with a 2 year old in the car loses the benefit of the doubt from me.



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