I had my first baby via c-section in February and really want to attempt a VBAC the next time. I have heard multiple people say that if you have a c-section and wish to VBAC, you should wait at LEAST a full year until TTC. I have heard one doctor say that there wasn't sufficient evidence to prove that, but I wanted to hear what other moms planning to VBAC have heard from their doctors? Is my risk for a second CS higher if I get pregnant before a full year?
Re: Waiting to conceive after a CS?
After I had my c/s, two OBs and a perinatologist (specializes in high-risk pregnancies) recommend two full years btwn deliveries before TTC b/c the UR risk is basically back to that of a virgin uterus.
That being said, I waited, but I have seen where others have not. It may be an issue if your MW/OB is able to care for you. Not long ago, someone posted a VBAC birth story where her babies are about a year apart.
Trevor Calvin 12.10.07 7:26pm 7lbs2.5oz 19.75in
Emerson Claire 07.07.11 11:34am 7lbs7oz 20.5 in
At my 6wk PP visit, my OB said I should wait 1 year to TTC if I want a rcs and wait 2 years to TTC if I want a vbac. But like previous posters said, all the studies I have looked at talk about either 18 or 24 months between births (interdelivery interval).
We plan to TTC when DD is at least 9 months old, but probably will wait until she is around 1 year old, and then I will bring the studies with me to my OB.