
Leap Frog Tag - do you recommend it?

I remember a while back everyone here was buying the Leap Frog Tag, so hopefully you will be able to tell me if it is worth buying or not.  I have an almost 4.5 year old and she LOVES books and I'd like to introduce her to learning how to read.  I read to her daily and we are doing other things together to promote reading skills, but I thought something like this could be fun, too.

Any thoughts on the Tag?  Are there different products that we should/shouldn't get?


Re: Leap Frog Tag - do you recommend it?

  • My kids pick it up every once in awhile.  DS likes it more now that he's more into reading on his own.  Both like the games in the books/with the tag. 
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • Not so much as a learning tool, but they're great for entertaining, especially on long car rides.

    ETA: Don't get the Poingo.  ML received it as a gift and the way it's geared to read is not the best, IMO.  It keeps reading the whole page over, and there is no option to read each word like with the Tag.  The latter will also sound out words, or just read the whole page.  

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  • Yes.  Each of my older two have them, and have for 1-2 yrs.  They still get it out 2-3x/week to play with it. The games are fun (matching, finding, math, rhyming) - and probably their favorite.  I like that you can read the story word by word (touch individual words) or page by page.  

    Google "Tag system coupon" with the current month or "tag book coupon" with the current month, and you can almost always find a $5 off the System, or $2 off book coupons.


  • My 5 y.o. has had his for about a year, maybe more. I definitely recommend it. He enjoys it and picks it up pretty regularly. My 2.5 year old will sit with him and listen, it's pretty cute. We also bought him the map of the US that you can use with the pen, and he liked looking at it/using it when we were getting ready for our road trip from Michigan to Florida, so he could understand where we were going. 
  • Yes.  We have several of the books and both maps.  The kids love them, they are enjoying books, have not stopped reading by themselves - I've seen no negatives (besides the batteries they eat and the need to keep the reader in one place so we can find it!)
  • I really think it depends on the kids.  My 5 year old rarely ever used hers - she got it about 2 years ago.  My 3 year old loves it has always used her sisters until we got her one for her birthday this past winter.  She loves it.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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