
Has anyone read The Happiest Toddler on the Block?

So, I don't know what to do with a toddler (or two in this case).  They are so up and down, one minute they are happy as clams and the next minute they are freaking their freak over who knows what and they can't communicte what is wrong or what they need so I am left clueless.

Example: The other day my friend texted me asking how the boys were and my boys were happy and dancing and being cute and so I wrote her back "They are soooo great, this age is soo much fun!!!!!!!!"  Two seconds later, my son out of nowhere apparently got pissed at something and threw a piece of hamburger at me.  I texted back "I take that back." 

Every time something happens like this, I think "I really need to read a book so I know what to do in this situation."  I was going to check out the Love and Logic books but then I remembered that awhile back, I had bought The Happiest Toddler on the Block.  If anyone has read it, is it worth reading?  Just trying to figure out if I should take the time to read it or move onto the Love and Logic since several on here have recommended that.

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Re: Has anyone read The Happiest Toddler on the Block?

  • We're at the same stage- I read the book and thought it was cracker jacks...
  • Crap.  I guess it's off to the library for me then.  Thanks for the input Gigi!
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  • I haven't read it, but I just wanted to say that I am dealing with the EXACT same behavior. Last week I was saying to DH that Joey was such a great listener and so good and so sweet giving hugs and kisses all the time. And this week he is being a total PITA, throwing tantrums, stealing toys and screeching at the top of his lungs. I retract what I said last week. :) I was thinking about reading it.....I want my sweet babies back!
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  • imagedaisybride78:
    I haven't read it, but I just wanted to say that I am dealing with the EXACT same behavior. Last week I was saying to DH that Joey was such a great listener and so good and so sweet giving hugs and kisses all the time. And this week he is being a total PITA, throwing tantrums, stealing toys and screeching at the top of his lungs. I retract what I said last week. :) I was thinking about reading it.....I want my sweet babies back!

    Seriously!!  I am trying so hard to be patient but things go from 0 to 60 so fast and I end up blind sided and looking at my boys like "WTF just happened?!"

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  • I'm reading it right now and some of it sounds good in theory.  I wonder if it will work though.  I'm going to finish it and maybe use some of it and see how it goes.
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  • I loved the Happiest Baby on the Block, so I thought I would buy the Happiest Toddler.  BIG FAT FAIL!  I think it is all a little strange.  I did buy the Love and Logic books after it came highly recommended on here.  I think it is great and really makes sense. 
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