Two Under 2

Question on Double Shopping Cart Covers . . .

Does anyone have one? If so which and do you like it or not? I used to throw my youngest in the cart in the car seat and my oldest would ride up front. Then when he outgrew the car seat I would wear him and let the oldest still ride up front. Now I'm almost 13 weeks pg with #3 and it's just not comfortable to carry him around. I was hoping to find a double cart cover to use mainly at the warehouse clubs. I found a few online but not much as far as reviews. Just wondered if anyone on here has any input to offer! Thanks!

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Re: Question on Double Shopping Cart Covers . . .

  • I just googled it because I had never heard of it and I am intrigued. I need this! I wish I had some advice, but I'm interested in seeing the responses.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I also posted this on the 2 under 2 board and there are some ladies who have given great feedback, thought i'd share incase you were interested!
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  • I was thinking about getting one and then realized that it faster and easier for me to grab my sanitizing cloth and do a quick wipe down.  Plus, my son would just pull it off anyway..  Good luck with it..
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