Baby Names

Unusual boy name-Poll

 Older brother's name is Miles Sebastian Soto. (Milo)

 Do you think any of these names are too difficult to pronounce in the US?

Do you think that Elian and Milan sound feminine?

Also, do you think Misael (Misa for a nickname) would be hard to pronounce in the US? It sounds like the name Rafael. Should I go with Rafael (Rafa for a nickname) instead?

 Thanks for your opinions! [Poll]

Re: Unusual boy name-Poll

  • Love Rafael. I don't care for the 3 names in the middle.
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  • Misael is the one that sounds feminine, especially the nickname Misa. I voted for Rafael. Can't say I like the nickname Rafa...

    Not trying to be condescending or anything, but just in case you didn't know,  names ending in "a" are usually feminine in the United States, including nicknames. I apologize if you're like "DUH I KNOW THAT"! Just trying to point out how that vowel ending makes a name sound...

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  • cogbotcogbot member

    For some reason when I see Misael I think of Miserable.  (Maybe I'm just really tired and need to go to bed. )

    Go with Elias, it's a nice name. 

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  • Elias or Rafael are both good names. My friend Rafael goes by Rafi.
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  • I like both Elian and Elias.
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  • I like Elias and Rafael the best. Every Rafael I know goes by Rafa and it doesn't sound feminine to me at all, but what do I know?

    Elian still makes me think of Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban boy whose mother drowned at sea when they were crossing the Florida Straits and who was eventually returned to Cuba. Yesterday's news, but still...

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  • When I think Elian I also think Elian Gonzalez so that's a no. I also don't like the other two names in the middle.

    I voted Elias but I also don't mind Raphael. I know a Raphael that goes by "Rafe" and like that a lot.

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  • I think Milan is WAAAY too similar to Miles/Milo. Even Elian & Elias sound kind of similar. I voted for Rafael just because it was the most different.
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  • I voted Elias as it was on our list until a friend used it (without knowing our interest). We call him Eli. 

    Miles is our nephew's name. I love it. I think Elias and Miles go well together

  • I love all the names you listed but I don't think Misael will be pronounced correctly, it was my favorite, though. I vote for Elian. I do like Rafa as a nn for Rafael. Oh, heck, whatever you choose is going to be adorable. 
  • ames71ames71 member

    I like Elias and Rafael the best. Every Rafael I know goes by Rafa and it doesn't sound feminine to me at all, but what do I know?

    Elian still makes me think of Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban boy whose mother drowned at sea when they were crossing the Florida Straits and who was eventually returned to Cuba. Yesterday's news, but still...

    All of this.

    Plus... Rafa/Rafael makes me think of Rafael Nadal, and for that I thank you. Wink

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  • imageAlphabetFish:

    Misael is the one that sounds feminine, especially the nickname Misa. I voted for Rafael. Can't say I like the nickname Rafa...

    Not trying to be condescending or anything, but just in case you didn't know,  names ending in "a" are usually feminine in the United States, including nicknames. I apologize if you're like "DUH I KNOW THAT"! Just trying to point out how that vowel ending makes a name sound...

    Agreed.  I like Rafael the best.

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  • AwBethAwBeth member

    I think Milan is WAAAY too similar to Miles/Milo. Even Elian & Elias sound kind of similar. I voted for Rafael just because it was the most different.

    This.  They are almost the same name!!  I voted Elias. 

  • Elian Gonzales is all I can think about when I hear Elian, which is a shame because it's a nice name. I LOVE Rafael!!!
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  • I like Rafael and Elias. The Rafael I know goes by Rafe.
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  • I like Rafael or Raphael but I would use NN of Rafi or Raffi.
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  • I can't pick one so I didn't vote, but I like Rafael, Elian and Misael.
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  • I like Elias. Elian reminds me to Gonzalez, and Milan sounds feminine. Rafael has a bad association thanks to a little punk in elementary school.
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  • The only one I like is Elias.

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