Hi Mamas!
We suspect that DD has a yeast rash, so to be on the safe side I want to get all my diapers really really clean. I remember reading a tons of posts on ridding diapers of yeast a few months ago, but I can't remember the process and couldn't find an answer in FAQs... What did/would you do to rid diapers of yeast?
My plan so far is to double strip my diapers and sun them. Meanwhile, I'll put DD in disposables with A&D cream. Opinions?
Note: I have all pocket diapers: BG, Blueberry, Kawaii, and Babykicks- so, microfiber and hemp materials, and I've been using California Baby diaper cream with them.
Re: Yeast Help!
I know someone here has great yeast advice with detailed (read: better) instructions but I just used bleach. I washed like normal, then did a wash with 1/3 cup of bleach and then rinsed like crazy! I diluted the bleach first before adding it to my diapers and only had minimal fading with one fitted, the rest were fine.
The A&D won't get rid of the yeast. If it is actually yeast you will probably have to get a perscription from your pediatrician (although I have heard of people using topical lotrimin). Also I recommend LOTS of naked time because yeast loves dark, wet places.
This is what worked for us so I hope you find something that works for your LO too. Diaper rashes in general suck, and yeast is the absolute worst! GL!