3rd Trimester

Breech at 38 weeks

So I just had a client of mine give me an ultrasound. My last one was my 20 week ultrasound. We discovered that my baby is complete breech. I am sad because I really wanted a med free natural birth and to think that there is a higher chance of having a c section scares me. 


Is there any natural ways you have heard to turn the baby? I looked it up online and some said going to a chiropractor, laying with your pelvis raised, or having your doctor try to turn the baby from the outside.


Have any of you heard of a baby turning this late? I need a little hope. Thanks! 

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Re: Breech at 38 weeks

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    Consult your doctor immediately.  They can version the baby (manual flipping by pushing on your belly), but it is only like 64% effective.  It also can depend how much fluid you have, the more you have, the better chance of the flip.  They can also recommend stretches and positions to get the baby to flip.  If you go into active labor with a breech baby I think most doctors will opt for a c-section at that point.  Good luck!
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    There are lots of things you can try. 

    I believe the Chiropractic method is called "Webster technique" or something like that.

    I also recently read that the Traditional Chinese Medicine way of turning the baby by burning incense by mom's feet actually has a 75% success rate in clinical trials (unbelievable right?!?).

    If none of those work, your doc can try an external version, but if they do there's a chance the baby's cord will be pinched in the process which will lead to an immediate emergency c-section.

    I'd try the less invasive options first. :)


    Good luck!!! 

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    There are lots of things you can try. 

    I believe the Chiropractic method is called "Webster technique" or something like that.

    I also recently read that the Traditional Chinese Medicine way of turning the baby by burning incense by mom's feet actually has a 75% success rate in clinical trials (unbelievable right?!?).

    If none of those work, your doc can try an external version, but if they do there's a chance the baby's cord will be pinched in the process which will lead to an immediate emergency c-section.

    I'd try the less invasive options first. :)


    Good luck!!! 

    I did accupuncture, moxa and spinningbabies.com, but I was only 36 weeks.

    If you schedule a manual version, you will need to mentally prepare that they may have to take the baby via c-section that day if the procedure goes bad. If it were me, if it is successful, I would want them to induce right away so the baby doesn't have a chance to flip back!

    I think I would try that if I were you.

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    What is moxa?

    I looked on spinningbabies.com and I want to try some of the techniques but I want to see my doctor first because I dont want to have low fluid or something and do something to harm her. I should of asked my friend about the amniotic fluid but I was just in shock..


    If we can get her to turn I may think about an induction.. although it SO no what I wanted. I guess we will just have to see. 

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    I agree with the PP suggestions on ways to naturally have baby turn.

    I also had a pt who SWORE that taking a flashlight and putting it super lower and her belly as well as havign her children talk to the lower end of her belly made baby turrn.

    At our centre ( I am a L&D nurse) we have several OB doctors who will do a breach delivery if thats what the mother is wanting. Perhaps talk optiosn with your doctor?

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    Spinningbabies.com for sure - especially the rebozo technique. Also, it sounds ridiculous, but I read on spinningbabies that doing handstands in a pool can help the baby rotate.

    Definitely talk with your doctor. My MW will deliver breech babies vaginally. 

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    Definitely talk to your doctor ASAP. 

    We discovered that my first son was breech at around 37 weeks - they scheduled me for an external version later that week. 

    It failed and I did end up having a planned c-section.  My OB practice won't vaginally deliver breech babies, the risk of something going wrong is too great.

    But if you're willing to try an external version, you need to hurry.  There's a limited time window that most OBs will attempt one. 

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