With my last pg, I did the hosptial classes (baby 101) that went over everything about the new baby--breastfeeding, laboring, delivering, newborn care, etc....
I ended up having to convert to a c/s after being induced with my twins. So I'm wondering if it's worth it/beneficial to take a course about laboring/delivery as I hoep to have a successful singleton VBAC with DS this October.
Anyone do this? Did you find it helpful?
Re: Worth it to take L&D class?
Personally, I wouldn't take a hospital course again. I didn't find it all that useful the first time and I feel like I got more information from thebump and books. I will probably just pay for the hospital tour separately, since I'm switching hospitals.
I will be looking for a Hypnobabies class or something similar to help with pain management and positive thinking. I'll also probably attend a few ICAN meetings. I'm thinking these are a better use of my time.
I didn't go to my classes I signed up for, I was sick the first 2 weeks, so I didn't feel up to going. I am glad I skipped them, since it didn't matter anyways.
But I have several friends who took classes, and said they were a waste of time. These people also got epidurals as soon as they could, so I am not sure if you want natural birth, but what I am trying to say is, that I am not sure if they are more helpful for natural childbirth.
I was trying for a natural birth (FAIL!) and I didn't find the classes all the helpful. They covered so many topics and the information was very focused in traditional medicine. The class was good for DH though, because he hadn't done any of his own research.
I will be doing the above. I feel like my money would be more useful going towards Hypnobabies materials and possibly a doula, if we can budget it in.
I did not. I did take a hospital tour since I switched hospitals. There was an opportunity to ask questions at the end and ask about hospital policies that concerned me.
But if I'd been in a classroom full of naive 1st timers who believe everything their doctors and nurses say, I would have been hard pressed to keep my rude mouth shut. (And I say naive because looking back, that's how I see myself then.)