Just curious how you were able to manage BFing #2? In many respects I imagine it's easier since you know what to do but I'm also imagining it is tougher since you also need to pay attention to DC1. How did you make it work?
you have to be creative use distractions, baby gates, strollers anything to keep the older one secure or happy. After a while the baby nurses faster and less frequently so it gets easier.
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I EP'd with DS because he was in the NICU and we never figured it out.
But I would set DS up with a snack in his highchair or Thomas the Tank engine while I nursed DD. There were tough moments, especially at bedtime when DD would want to clusterfeed and DS would want to be rocked to sleep. Sometimes I would be bottle feeding 1 and breastfeeding the other. I recommend a big recliner:)
After the feedings stretched out it was a lot easier.
My DD is a very 'independent' 1 yo. She liked to do her own thing. Before I feed DS I ask her if she wants on the bed. She either turns and walks away or puts her arms up and kisses DS's head while he eats. Lol. I've been really lucky. I've had a few rough moments, but it's been easier than I thought it'd be. Hang in there it will be ok ;-)
Re: Breastfeeding #2?
I EP'd with DS because he was in the NICU and we never figured it out.
But I would set DS up with a snack in his highchair or Thomas the Tank engine while I nursed DD. There were tough moments, especially at bedtime when DD would want to clusterfeed and DS would want to be rocked to sleep. Sometimes I would be bottle feeding 1 and breastfeeding the other. I recommend a big recliner:)
After the feedings stretched out it was a lot easier.
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