Seriously, it drives me crazy. A poster asks an open-ended question or advice on some particular nuance of naming, but then they don't post the name! It's like when t.v. hosts say "And we'll be back with the results right after this commercial break" or something. It's not American Idol, it's a baby name. And I'm curious. And I need to know. So, for the love of all that is monikered and holy, please please please post the name. Is it too much to ask?
Re: Why don't people post the name???
YES! This drives me effing batty!
Started fertility treatments 11/2010
Ovarian dysfunction, LPD, male factor
6 failed medicated IUI's
Pregnant 5/2011 - Miscarriage at 6 weeks due to triploidy
Decided to adopt - 6/2012
SURPRISE! Pregnant without intervention - 7/2012
Sweet Baby James Born 3/2013
Decided to be "One and Done"
....OR NOT.
Pregnant 12/2018 despite birth control pills
Here we go again...
Due 8/26/19!
someone just did that on another site i read. she said (title) she needed another boy name. the post said she was having triplets and needs one more name.
Started fertility treatments 11/2010
Ovarian dysfunction, LPD, male factor
6 failed medicated IUI's
Pregnant 5/2011 - Miscarriage at 6 weeks due to triploidy
Decided to adopt - 6/2012
SURPRISE! Pregnant without intervention - 7/2012
Sweet Baby James Born 3/2013
Decided to be "One and Done"
....OR NOT.
Pregnant 12/2018 despite birth control pills
Here we go again...
Due 8/26/19!
Even miracles take a little time - Cinderella
It annoys me, too. Just to be objective, though, I think sometimes people want feedback on the situation and not the name itself. For example, I see this a lot in "what do I do if my family doesn't like the name" posts. I think they want coping strategies, not more commentary on the name.
That being said, it does annoy me, because what the name is, I feel, happens to be very relevant to the discussion. I know people have different styles, but sometimes the name really is bad, and that's why the family hates it. Being able to tell them, "maybe you should keep looking, because that name doesn't work on these levels" is more constructive than all this "keep your terrible name a secret until the baby is born," hubbub.
Mom to Teagan 4.11.07 and Cora 9.30.11
D&E @ 22w 9.30.09 CMV infection BFP 10.15.10 C/P 4w4d
I know I'm not thinking of any super unique names, but I don't understand the concept of "stealing" a name. Unless you literally grab a handful of Scrabble tiles and throw them on the floor and name your child whatever chance and probablility spelled out for you, chances are that there are a few other children running around with the exact same name you have in mind.
It also reminds me of the Seinfeld episode, when that couple stole the name "Seven" from George lol
I think we should start putting the name in the subject box, if enough of us do it, it will catch on.