Cloth Diapering

If you know about changing out snaps please come in

I have a custom Doodle that came to me with the wrong snap color.  A different mama that I know got her custom Doodle with the wrong snap color.  So, we want to switch snaps.  Is that possible or does it ruin the snaps to remove them?  Also, even if the answer to that question is yes, in general it is possible to replace the snaps with a different color, yes?  How hard is this to do?
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Re: If you know about changing out snaps please come in

  • Yes, it ruins the snaps to take them off. Yes, you can easily change them if you have a snap press or snap pliers and the sets of snaps you want. One complete snap set(to replace both sides of one snap) consists of two caps, one stud and one socket. The hardest part is removing the old snaps without accidentally putting a hole in the fabric.

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  • imageeclecticmama:
    The hardest part is removing the old snaps without accidentally putting a hole in the fabric.

    How does one go about such a task?

    Also, do you happen to know what brands of snaps are out there.  I know KamSnaps is one, and I think that is what is on TTs.  But the snaps on Doodles look different so I'm assuming they're a different brand...

    Also, how do I know what size snaps are currently on my dipe?

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  • I would send it to someone who does snap conversions (velcro to snaps) because they will know what they're doing and ill have all of the materials.  Plus if they do it regularly, they've probably made a booboo or two so know how to take them off pretty easily. Snaps are super cheap so it shouldn't cost you more than a couple of bucks - as for the ype of snaps - tehre are different sizes and different styles (for example you canget ones iwth hearts, clovers, etc. imprinted in them). If you ahve someone do it for you, they will likely have various sizes and can put on what you need.

    Here's one place that does it.  FYI I haven't used them.

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  • There are lots of methods for removal...

    Most diaper makers use size 20 snaps. If you're not planning to do a lot of snapping, snap pliers will work fine. They cost about $30 and have excellent resale value. You should probably practice on some "scrap" diapers before doing your nice custom DD's, though. I've snap-converted or made probably 20ish diapers and I'm still not great at getting the snaps straight.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

  • Thanks for the info flyer! 

    Does it make it any easier to get the snaps straight that I'm REPLACING existing snaps versus putting a new row on? 

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  • It is a HUGE pain in the butt to remove snaps. When I have had to do it, I use a toenail clipper, and it takes a long time. (I'm sure there has to be a better method!). I would only do it if you sincerely HATE the snap color you have.
    DS1: Wild Man born 11/28/07
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  • imageLetsBeNice:
    It is a HUGE pain in the butt to remove snaps. When I have had to do it, I use a toenail clipper, and it takes a long time. (I'm sure there has to be a better method!). I would only do it if you sincerely HATE the snap color you have.

    Despise it with a passion.  I'm not using the diaper at all because I can't stand looking at the snaps.  Yes I know that sounds ridiculous.  Sadly it is true.

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  • imageLetsBeNice:
    It is a HUGE pain in the butt to remove snaps. When I have had to do it, I use a toenail clipper, and it takes a long time. (I'm sure there has to be a better method!). I would only do it if you sincerely HATE the snap color you have.

    This. I haven't done them but it seems like a PITA, and I'd be afraid of screwing up the diaper. It'd be one thing if it was an old barely functioning diaper. Then I wouldn't worry so much about ruining it. But, I'd be scared to end up with a jacked up diaper.

    Can you ask DD to change them out since they're wrong?

    ETA: Oh, I just saw you really hate them. Okay so can you ask her to fix them?

  • imageStephanieDM:

    Can you ask DD to change them out since they're wrong?

    I feel bad doing so.  It was an honest mistake and she is so awesomely sweet.  I don't want her to feel bad about them being wrong.  

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  • I'm guessing those snaps are teal then ;) I would contact her and ask her about it. Maybe she will send you the correct color snaps so you don't have to go about getting those.
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  • MegaPMegaP member
    I know you want to be nice about it, but I would contact her.  It would save a lot of trouble, IMO.  If you send it out or try to fix it yourself and ruin the diaper, then you're really stuck.  I'm sure she can make you another one and sell the one you aren't using as a second or something.  Plus she can probably fix the snaps better than anyone.  

    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS1: 10/2005 DS2: 01/2007 DS3: 09/2010
  • imageMegaP:
    I know you want to be nice about it, but I would contact her.  It would save a lot of trouble, IMO.  If you send it out or try to fix it yourself and ruin the diaper, then you're really stuck.  I'm sure she can make you another one and sell the one you aren't using as a second or something.  Plus she can probably fix the snaps better than anyone.  

    It was a SYOF that I requested with no fold down rise snaps and I don't have any more of the fabric.

    I'm going to get pair of pliers and practice adding and taking snaps off a BG until I feel comfortable attacking my DD.  Then after I succeed I will take pics to prove it can be done!   Big Smile

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  • I'd send them off too if its just one that you are wanting to do. I have some snap pliers and a ton of colors but they don't seem to work as well on all diapers. I converted a GM SG fairly effectively but the same process on an old style BSRB gave me a ton of trouble. Each snap or receiver has the cover part which looks like a thumbtack before its smashed down. The stem length must vary because I think the overall thickness was bigger on the BSRB and I couldnt get them to smash down enough to hold onto the snap part. They pulled off over and over until I gave up. Now its a play condition outdoor diaper only. The opposite problem- I tried converting an aplix BG and the material is too thin and leaves the stem so long that it interferes with the snap function. So that one is pretty much trash.

  • imageg2mom2b:
    I'd send them off too if its just one that you are wanting to do. I have some snap pliers and a ton of colors but they don't seem to work as well on all diapers. I converted a GM SG fairly effectively but the same process on an old style BSRB gave me a ton of trouble. Each snap or receiver has the cover part which looks like a thumbtack before its smashed down. The stem length must vary because I think the overall thickness was bigger on the BSRB and I couldnt get them to smash down enough to hold onto the snap part. They pulled off over and over until I gave up. Now its a play condition outdoor diaper only. The opposite problem- I tried converting an aplix BG and the material is too thin and leaves the stem so long that it interferes with the snap function. So that one is pretty much trash.

    I have 2 GM SGs that I've been wanting to add 1 row of snaps to for a while.  Good know at least I might be successful in that endeavor.  LOL.

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  • MegaPMegaP member

    I know you want to be nice about it, but I would contact her.  It would save a lot of trouble, IMO.  If you send it out or try to fix it yourself and ruin the diaper, then you're really stuck.  I'm sure she can make you another one and sell the one you aren't using as a second or something.  Plus she can probably fix the snaps better than anyone.  

    It was a SYOF that I requested with no fold down rise snaps and I don't have any more of the fabric.

    I'm going to get pair of pliers and practice adding and taking snaps off a BG until I feel comfortable attacking my DD.  Then after I succeed I will take pics to prove it can be done!   Big Smile

    OH Sad  

    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS1: 10/2005 DS2: 01/2007 DS3: 09/2010
  • Email Sandy for sure! You specified snap colors, right? I can virtually guarantee you that she'd rather fix the mistake than have you spend time and money trying to do it yourself.

    And unless you already have the pliers and snaps, it will cost you more to replace the snaps than a new diaper would cost.

    Honestly, just because a WAHM is sweet and awesome doesn't mean she shouldn't be asked to fix the rare mistake when it happens. All part of doing biz. :-)


    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
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  • imagejenny1980:

    Email Sandy for sure! You specified snap colors, right? I can virtually guarantee you that she'd rather fix the mistake than have you spend time and money trying to do it yourself.

    And unless you already have the pliers and snaps, it will cost you more to replace the snaps than a new diaper would cost.

    Honestly, just because a WAHM is sweet and awesome doesn't mean she shouldn't be asked to fix the rare mistake when it happens. All part of doing biz. :-)


    Completely agree! I would definitely ask her!

  • Let me say this. I'm a hairdresser and I'm very sweet ;) and always have the best intentions of giving my clients exactly what they want. sometimes it doesn't happen and I ALWAYS want to make it right vs having them go elsewhere or god for bid trying to fix it at home. So I'm guessing she would feel the same :)
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