My LO has ezcema due to food allergies. We originally thought only milk & soy. We were using Aveeno which we thought was helping, but after stopping it he started to get better. So, we wondered if he had an oat allergy. We introduced Gerber puffs w/oat and now his face is worse again. Does anyone else deal w/an oat allergy? Any advice? Any other stay aways?
Re: Oat allergy
DD has an oat allergy. I found out when I tried to give her solids for the first time around 5 months. I gave her oatmeal before rice on the pedi's recommendation because its easier on their little tummies. Ha! Nothing but screaming for the next 2 days and then mucous in her stool. She tested negative when we did allergy testing and I did try to give her more around 7 months just to make sure that was it and the exact same thing happened. I haven't noticed needing to avoid a whole lot (at least nothing I wouldn't expect to have oats in it). Can your LO eat wheat products? Mine can't. I honestly don't know if its the gluten or what her exact issue is (we're waiting to retest at 1 year), just be on the lookout for that being a possible issue. GL!
Allergic to soy, oat, egg, peanuts, and tree nuts
We don't eat oats because they can contain gluten. It seems like they sneak oats into a lot of soaps/lotions/shampoos and even sunscreen. Sometimes it is listed as avena sativa.
My 2 year old daughter was diagnosed with an oat allergy at 6 months. The hardest thing we've found to avoid with an oat allergy is skincare products. She has eczema that flares up when she's exposed to oats, and most of the products doctors recommend for kids with eczema have oats in them. It's also difficult if your LO spends lots of time around other babies, since Cheerios/puffs/etc are the snack of choice for a lot of parents and it's hard to keep them away from it when everyone else is eating it.
A couple of unexpected thing we've found that contains oats- Taco Bell beef (not the healthiest thing, I know, but just gives you an idea of the strange things oats can be hidden in), and there's also a certain kind of whole grain pasta (Ronzoni Healthy Harvest maybe?) that contains oats
Hope that helps!