
tell me about Amazon Moms

I've heard it's great for diaper deals/delivery...but I guess I don't really get it. Is it that much cheaper? Do you have to "subscribe" to a diaper order, or can you just order on demand? 
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Re: tell me about Amazon Moms

  • Some have said they've gotten better deals elsewhere, but I like the ease and convenience and savings with Amazon MoMs. The savings is 30% off of the retail price listed on Amazon.

    You can subscribe to eligible items to get the savings (on demand orders won't get you the savings). BUT - you get to pick the interval for shipping (every month, 2 months, etc) and you can skip a shipment or unsubscribe at anytime. So you really aren't locked into an item.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks - the whole subscription thing was fuzzy for me. Unfortunately, it looks like you can't subscribe to Up & Up products :(
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers twins born at 36 wks Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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