My H and I live in a two story house, and all of the bedrooms are upstairs. We will be having a nanny come in 3 days a week to watch the girls when I go back to work around 9 weeks. She is a former teacher that I used to work with and is around 60 or so. I hate to have her walk up and down the stairs every time our girls are sleeping to put them in their crib. We have a normal pack and play that we got as a shower gift and also two rock and play sleepers. So what would you have her use? Our nursery is literally like 3 steps away from our bedroom. Is it totally unreasonable to think that we can just start the girls in each of their own cribs when we bring them home? That is where our angel care is, and would prefer to do that, but do not know if that is unreasonable or not. Do I need a twin pack and play or will a regular one due? What will be better for the nanny the two rock and plays downstairs or a pack and play? TIA!
Re: WWYD-two story house
i would wait and see what your twins like to sleep in before making a decision. my DD hated her PNP and never seemed comfortable in it so she was in her crib by 4 weeks. but that was just one baby. who knows what we'll do when the 2 come.
does your nanny have concerns about stairs from bad knees or anything that would further sway you in one direction? my cousin did have her DD nap downstairs b/c of her having bad knees, but now that she's past 1 y.o. it's becoming more of an issue.
Personally, I would put pack and plays downstairs for during the day for her to use. As they get older, I would transition to cribs for naps when she has them.
I don't think its unreasonable to put the babies in their own cribs when you bring them home. We did it, their room was right next door to us and I was having to get up to get bottles and change diapers anyways. They napped in the living room in swings or the pack and play until 4.5 months when we transitioned naps to their cribs.
i live in a 2-story house - and for the first 5 months or so I had the babies nap downstairs- simply b/c they napped so much more often, and not at consistent times, that I didn't want to have to go up and down the stairs 100x's a day msyelf!
I had them nap in the swing, the PNP, laying on the couch next to me, etc - whatever was working that day. Around 5mo I started doing naps upstairs in their cribs - bc then they were at a more normal schedule, more predictable with how long they'd sleep, etc- so i wasn't going up and down so much.
my mom watches the twins 2 days a month for me- and is 70y/o and has no problem going up and down the stairs with them.... if your nanny can't handle stairs a few times a day i'd be worried she couldnt' handle twins - esp once they are mobile..... so sure- have them nap downstairs early on, but you do want them to be in the cribs after a few months (esp once they are rolling/moving around more).
pretty much what goldie said.
mine napped in the pack n plays for the first several months for sure b/c of the hassle of going up & down, and they were in their cribs for nighttime sleep by about 6 weeks or so, so there was no issue there.
as for the twin PNP I personally think it is a waste of $ b/c I dont think the bassinet weight limit is any higher. However, that being said, if you want to nap them inthe bassinet part of the PNP you will need two of them once they reach a combined 15 lb weight, or you could sleep them together in the bottom of the PNP for a long time if they'll tolerate both being in there.