[I've been kind of ignoring the bump and my computer in general for a while... per my husband's request.]
I have been off dairy and soy for 4+ months for DD's "allergy"/intolerance. A couple of weeks ago I had soy by accident and there was no significant difference so I added it back into my diet. After hearing about all the soy negatives though I'm trying to still limit.
Now that DD is six months old and starting solids (she's had avocado so far) the GI has finally written out the lab request for blood work to check for the top 8. If that doesn't show she is then going to have to have the upper GI examination. My hope, like all of yours, is that she outgrows this although at this point I am not so optimistic. My DH on the other hand thinks that solids will cure her.
Although I have not seen blood in her stool again and her spit up and fussiness decreased about the time we took her off Zantac, she still does spit up "more than a normal baby." She's still gaining weight (15lb.3oz.) but the GI is worried she won't continue if she keeps spitting up as much as she does.
What should I expect at the lab? Will they have to take a lot of blood? I'm not so good with getting blood drawn myself, I can't imagine watching my baby go through it. Are there any questions I should be asking? I basically just need some moral support and you ladies have been great!
Re: Finally getting tested - not soy