Cloth Diapering

Rainbow Noir anyone?

Re: Rainbow Noir anyone?

  • Love the print but I can't dig on $50 for a used poop catcher.  No
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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  • Hey, it's a steal compared to buying the fabric (there's another yard on there, going for a similar price as yesterday's).
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  • imagebethandjoe09:
    Hey, it's a steal compared to buying the fabric (there's another yard on there, going for a similar price as yesterday's).

    Disagree.  You can get 3 to 4 diapers out of a yard of the fabric.  So $100 / 4 diapers = $25/diaper + $20 to have the diaper made = $45 for a NEW diaper in the same fabric. 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • It does not look like the elastic is in great shape to me.

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • imageyodasmistress:

    Hey, it's a steal compared to buying the fabric (there's another yard on there, going for a similar price as yesterday's).

    Disagree.  You can get 3 to 4 diapers out of a yard of the fabric.  So $100 / 4 diapers = $25/diaper + $20 to have the diaper made = $45 for a NEW diaper in the same fabric. 

    All right, I stand corrected.

    I'm sure you could also use the scraps for something.  Or sell them.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagebethandjoe09:
    I'm sure you could also use the scraps for something.  Or sell them.

    I'm LOL'ing because you are too right.  I bet you could sell a scrap for like $10!  :)

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imageyodasmistress:

    I'm sure you could also use the scraps for something.  Or sell them.

    I'm LOL'ing because you are too right.  I bet you could sell a scrap for like $10!  :)

    Yep, probably. A little scrap wold make a cute rainbow for an appliqued T-shirt to match. 

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