
Did anyone just feel like they were in pain....all.the.time.....

I'm 19 weeks and there really isn't a day that I feel great.  My uterus hurts like all.the.time (like a dull ache), I get Braxton hicks a lot and I have bad pubic bone pain.  I feel like my body hates me and the twins and I'm scared pretty much every single day that something is really wrong.  I go tot he doctor Monday then I start going every two weeks which will make me feel much better to be going that much. But when I talk to other pregnant moms (not MoM) at this point in their pregnancy they are loving life.  Please tell me this is normal for twins or I just might lose my mind.  

"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine

"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."

Re: Did anyone just feel like they were in pain....all.the.time.....

  • Yup.  Actually, i started seeing a chiropractor about 25 for the Webster technique hoping to avoid a breech baby.  It helped a TON with belly and pubic pain. Webster involves a lot of gentle ligament work, and it turns out my rib pain was not baby head but ligament pain.

    I would think a good prenatal massage person could help with that too.

  • I was pretty miserable too at your point. Still am :( You just can't compare yourself to those pregnant with one around you. All my friends are doing prenatal yoga and have tons of energy. I remember that from being pregnant with my daughter. This is just so different.

     Ditto to chiropractor or massage. They can relieve pain temporarily.

     Hang in there!

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  • I agree that you can't compare your pregnancy to singleton pregnancies. You're carrying more than one baby, which means extra weight and strain on your body sooner, and your uterus and ligaments have to stretch to accomodate your pregnancy sooner and faster.

    I'm 21 weeks today and am definitely sore and achy at least part of every day. And I'm also paranoid about each new ache and pain and twinge. You're not alone!

  • Ditto pp. This twin pregnancy has been exponentially more uncomfortable than my singleton pregnancy. Hang in there!
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    BFP #3 February 6, 2011
    First U/S February 25, 2011 = TWINS!!!
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  • imagelkstor:
    Ditto pp. This twin pregnancy has been exponentially more uncomfortable than my singleton pregnancy. Hang in there!

    Oh, and ditto that.  A twin PG was WAY more uncomfortable!

  • I hurt like crazy the vast majority of the time. And I won't even get into just how much sleep I needed.
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