November 2011 Moms

What is your coming home outfit (if you have it already?)

We are team green, so I have to have a boy and girl outfit. This was DS when we were coming home with him (he was born in April and the temperature wasn't too bad out - plus we had a blanket when we were outside going to and from the car):


The outfit is big because it's a 0-3 month size  (even though DS was 8 lbs 1 oz when he was born). He didn't need 0-3 for a few weeks.

Anyways, if it's a girl I a want frllly, ruffly, lacey, really girly girl outfit. I'm not sure what I want for a boy. Suggestions? Where'd you get the outfit?

Re: What is your coming home outfit (if you have it already?)

  • DD1 was born at the end of May, so we brought her home in a cute polka dot sundress:

    For this baby, I'm going to have the girls in matching shirts. DD will be brought up to the hospital that morning, and she'll be wearing a Big Sister shirt; DD2 will have  a matching Little Sister shirt.

    I'm thinking one of these choices from Cafe Press:

    Funky Giraffe Big Sister TFunky Giraffe Little Sister Baby Onesie

    Tlittle sister t-shirt polkadot Baby Onesie

    New Section TNew Section Baby Onesie

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  • I am team green as well.  I am looking for a gender neutral sleeper, and I will knit two hats, one for each gender.
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  • I'm waiting until after my showers until I decide because I may get something super cute for one of them.  Since it will be November and probably chilly, we do have a really cute kelly green hat with a shamrock on it (my husband is Irish).  So we are going to definitely use that, and we'll get something cute to match.
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  • I'll probably do something really exciting like a footey sleeper.  I couldn't remember what DS wore home so I just flipped through the pictures.  That didn't help because in every single one he's wrapped up in a blanket (it was October and pretty chilly), so I still have no idea what he was wearing.

    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

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    Shawn and Larissa
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  • I'm still looking around. I'm trying to find a cute University of Georgia Bulldogs outfit -- and not sure if I want a traditional red & black one or a pink one. It will be in the middle of college football season, and I went to UGA and my entire family are big fans, so I think it will be really cute.
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  • This was DS1's coming home outfit and I think we'll use it for DS2. If we don't DS2 will be wearing a fleece sleep 'n play from Carters.



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  • This will most likely be our outfit and a blanket


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  • I bought two t-shirts from a friend on etsy. One's for T with a girly robot on it that says, "Big Bot" to come and see her brother in the hospital. He's going home in one with a boy robot that says, "Little Bot" and a pair of blue wool longies and a hat I've yet to make. :D 
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  • DD will probably just be wearing a Carters fleece sleeper.  It's going to be freezing here at that time so nothing frilly here.  I might go crazy and buy a matching headband from etsy.  DD #1 wore a sleeper and it was perfect for the weather.  It was about 10degrees at the time.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We are team green.  I'll probably use the same as DS.  It was a white romper that had "Baby Love" embroidered on the bum and on the matching hat.  We added a blue hoodie for my DS and will have to pick up a pink one (in case it is a girl this time).
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageMrsG.060708:

    DD1 was born at the end of May, so we brought her home in a cute polka dot sundress:

    For this baby, I'm going to have the girls in matching shirts. DD will be brought up to the hospital that morning, and she'll be wearing a Big Sister shirt; DD2 will have  a matching Little Sister shirt.

    I'm thinking one of these choices from Cafe Press:

    Funky Giraffe Big Sister TFunky Giraffe Little Sister Baby Onesie

    Tlittle sister t-shirt polkadot Baby Onesie

    New Section TNew Section Baby Onesie


    Love that idea!  SO cute.  I like all 3 choices.  You should let the big sister make the final choice :) 

  • I'm not completely sure, but I have already gotten my son a big brother sweatshirt, and I want to get baby a little sister shirt too. they may wear those home. I got son's shirt from
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  • image
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  • imagetonychelle:
    I'm still looking around. I'm trying to find a cute University of Georgia Bulldogs outfit -- and not sure if I want a traditional red & black one or a pink one. It will be in the middle of college football season, and I went to UGA and my entire family are big fans, so I think it will be really cute.

    I'm planning on doing the same thing, but for Michigan State, my Alma Mater.  My husband and I have decided we really don't want to go with a pink one, so we will go with our traditional green and white, I just need to find something cute. :) 

  • we got flagged at the carseat check on the way out of the hospital... My son had an adorable fluffy sleeper looking thing (he was born in January) and they told us to take it off because it was too bulky... so we put our bundle me in the car seat and they told us to take that out too... so he went home in a hospital provided white onesie and blanket... I'm not going to even attempt the cute outfit this time around:-) Our carseat checks are super strict, but thats ok, as long as baby is safe
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  • I got this really sweet Ralph Lauren 2 piece set. It's a long sleeved shirt that has a tie on the side and pants with footies. It's pink and white striped. It's so tiny it made me want to cry!!
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • DS picked out this for his little brother.  The store only had preemie size, though, so I'm not sure if it will fit.  I may try to buy the same sleeper in newborn or may just go with something else if this doesn't fit.


    He'll probably wear the same hat that DS wore home:


  • I LOVE the picture you posted of your son's coming home outfit. I know this is probably no longer available but where did you get it? I LOVE it!!
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