
Christmas Gifts for 18 month old

Other than books and duplo blocks I am at a loss.  The grandparents have started asking, so what was your childs favorite toy at this age?  Thanks.
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Re: Christmas Gifts for 18 month old

  • A bike/car to ride on or in while you push it.
  • My DD is about 18 months now... she has a LP farm set which she likes a lot and plays with nearly every day. Anywhere Chair. We were watching an Elmo Live at TRU yesterday and she really really liked it.
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  • I'm wondering the same thing.  I hope you get more replies.
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  • Logan is 19 mths old now and will be 20 mths at Christmas. She is getting a kitchen, wagon, shopping cart, doll stroller, baby doll.  Some of these things, we are getting and some other family members are getting for her.
  • The FP Bounce and Spin Zebra was a huge hit the year C turned 20 months at Christmas.  Santa gave her a Step 2 kitchen that year. 
    Valerie ~Charlotte Adele 4.26.05~ ~Audrey Irene 12.19.2006~
  • She LOVED Little People around this time.
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