I so hate it when I see daycare or school's number show up on my caller ID at work. Needless to say, I got a good laugh at this one - it was my 3 year olds teacher - wanted to know if she could spray paint my DD's hair this afternoon for wacky hair day! Guess my DH forgot to sign the permission form on the door when he did drop off this morning.
Jenni Mom to
DD#1 - 6-16-06
DD#2 - 3-13-08
Re: Daycare Called
I know that feeling of dread when you see the daycare number on the caller ID! The teachers at ours always say who it is and then very quickly say it's not an emergency when it's something mundane they are calling about.
I love their reason for calling you today, that's funny.
Ugh, I know that heart in the throat feelings. The director always say, "Everything is fine, it's D, just calling __________"
Glad it was a fun call!!