I know you ladies probably get asked this a lot- sorry.
My DD has had bad gas since she was born. The nurses at the hospital said it was something I was eating since I EBF. No, it was the formula they snuck to her because the gas went way down when we left the hospital. But she sometimes cries when she has gas. I don't know if she is crying because she is passing gas or if she is passing gas when she cries because she gets "scrunchie" when she cries (she draws her legs up and does her own bicycle kicks when she cries. She also does this when she sleeps and when she;s happy so I don't think it is a symptom- she just moves a lot and did that as an inside baby!).
She does not always cry when she passes gas, but sometimes when she is screaming she "sharts". Her poop is normal, and she has no other signs of allergy. She does have reflux and is on meds for that. But when i mentioned the gas to the pedi nurse, she just said cut out all dairy. I am hesitant to cut out all dairy based on gas that does not happen everyday with no other symptoms. BTW, although i'm lactose intolerant myself, I can still eat cheese and small amounts of milk. I have cheese and at least 1 cup of milk everyday. WDYT?
Re: Does this sound like milk intolerance?
WTF? They snuck formula to your child without your permission? How do you know this happened? What did you say?
Anyway, painful gas was huge sign of MSPI for DS. I would cut out all dairy for two weeks and see what happens(even the hidden dairy). If the painful gas goes away, then you know that was an issue.
Good luck!
I didn't know for sure in the hospital. Dh and I suspected the second night and refused to let DD go back to the nursery. When we got home, the horrible gas went away the next day so we thought we were right. The pedi who discharged us (not our pedi who was on vacation at the time) confirmed the next week that the nurses gave at least 1 bottle that the dr knew of. We were pissed because they knew I was desperately trying to BF.
i agree with this. If your ped suspects a dairy allergy s/he should test your baby's poop for blood. If there is no blood and the only symptom is gas, I wouldn't worry about it too much. you might find this article helpful: https://www.kellymom.com/babyconcerns/gassybaby.html