
Prayers please

One of my very best friends had her baby last night. Jaeyda Leigh was born at 24 weeks gestation weighing 1lb. 10 oz. DS was born at 34 weeks, I couldn't even imagine having him at 24 weeks. I'm over here bawling my eyes out. My friend just kept telling me she didn't know what she did wrong. Her water broke Wednesday night and they have no idea why. Yesterday the doctor gave her medicine to try and stop the contractions and had hoped to keep her on bedrest in the hospital for 10 weeks. She lives in TN and I'm in NY. I feel so helpless. Please pray for her family.


For those Moms who had babies around 24 weeks could you share your stories so that I can share them with my friend and offer her words of encouragement please and thank you. 

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Re: Prayers please

  • My twins were born at 24w1d. We spent 109 days in the NICU and they came home 2 days before their due date - on oxygen but with no major setbacks to speak of. I started a blog right after they were born, the link is in my sig so feel free to share that with her. Also, I can PM you my email if she needs someone to talk to.

    Having a 24 weeker is terrifying, but prayers are answered every day!

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  • Hi there. While I did have my baby a couple weeks later than your friend, at 27w1d, my DD weighed only 1lb, 6 oz at birth, and today, nearly 12 weeks later, she's over 4lb., 5oz. and in an open crib. According to the doctor, she could be coming home in about 2 weeks. Please tell your friend she is about to embark on quite the roller coaster of a ride, and there will definitely be some horrible days, but patience and support from friends like you will be key to getting her through it. I wish her all the best; she and her family will be in my thoughts.
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  • I'm so sorry to hear about your friends situation. I had my daughter at 23w3d. At birth she weighed 1lb 1oz and was 11 inches long. She was born with an infection and was on antibiotics for 3 weeks. Her respiratory status has always been poor as she was venitlated for 6 weeks, on SiPAP/CPAP for 4 weeks, and is still on a nasal cannula. Tomorrow is my due date and Addyson will be 16w4d old. She is weighing in at 7lbs as of today! She came home at 37w6d gestation after 108 days in the hospital. Currently she is on 1/8L O2 at home and an apnea monitor and I check her BP daily. She is on 2 medications and a multiviatmin. She breast and bottle feeds and we are so amazed at her progress.

    These babies are fighters! You have to remember that. They are tenacious and fiesty and have the will to live, survive and thrive if given the opportunity. I'm amazed everyday by my little girl and have been since day one. I will keep your friend and her LO in my T&Ps. Below is a link to Addyson's Caringbridge if your friend would like more insight in to our story. I know MrsLee also has a wonderful blog that might give your friend insight in to the life of 24 weekers. Please keep us updated and point her in our direction if she needs more support!


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  • Hi. I had my twins at 25w1d. We spent 108 days in the NICU. They are doing great and almost a year old. If you don't mind me asking where in TN is she? I am in Alabama. We are in Nashville a lot so if that is where she is I would be happy to help!
    3 miscarriages, Infertility, & Premature Birth Abigail and Adalynn born @ 25w1d Lilypie Second Birthday tickers FAQ: Resources for New NICU Moms
    FAQ: My Friend Just Had a Preemie, How Can I Help?
  • I had my twins at 26 weeks, due to my water breaking at 21 weeks, but my little girl was 1 lb 10 ozs at birth. She had a very rough start, but finally came home at 5 months, with a G-tube, no oxygen, no monitor. Her twin brother came home at 4 months on oxygen and a monitor, but is off them both now.

    That's really over simplifing it but this board is full of miracles.

    TTC #1 since 4/2007... MFI (low motility/low Testosterone) & PCOS IVF #1 August 2010...BFP 1st sono shows TWINS!!!! Due May 23rd 2011 Ruptured @ 21 weeks (Jan 13) Delivered 26 weekers (Blake and Addison) on Valentine's Day... Keeping faith and praying, God has a plan and we just have to learn to follow. Our Blog ... Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • imageCLAYLIOVER:
    Hi. I had my twins at 25w1d. We spent 108 days in the NICU. They are doing great and almost a year old. If you don't mind me asking where in TN is she? I am in Alabama. We are in Nashville a lot so if that is where she is I would be happy to help!


    She lives in Clarksville, but her husband is in the Army and the military hospital wasn't equipped to handle a preemie so they sent her to a hospital in Nashville.


    I will definitely be sending her this way. I love this board. Thank you so much for praying for her family everyone. I know she will really appreciate it. I will be sure to continue to update you guys on baby Jaeyda and her momma. 

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  • Cara03Cara03 member
    My 24w5d son is now 19 months old and doing extremely well. He is walking all over, starting to talk, trying to run some, into everything, and so smart! He was in the NICU for 98 rough days and on home oxygen and monitors for another 4 months, but good outcomes ARE possible, and he is an example. Sending lots of thoughts and prayers.
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  • so many prayers!!
  • Thoughts and prayers are with her and her baby.
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