Hello ladies, my DD just turned a year old on the 14th. I have had her on a gluten free diet since she was 6.5 months old. At that time we tried wheat cereal. (We already knew she was MSPI) Within three days she had a rash on her face (same reaction as to milk at first), within 10-14 days she had vomiting and diarrhea. I took her to the ER where they told me she had a stomach bug. I eliminated all solids, giving her only formula for a week. I started reintroducing foods very slowly, first rice cereal, bananas, etc. Then I gave her wheat cereal again. Less than 12 hours later she had vomiting and diarrhea again. I Stopped the wheat at once. GI symptoms have been fine since. I reintroduced milk and soy slowly around 10.5 months and she has tolerated it well.
We went to the allergist today and ruled out food allergies. She is not allergic to wheat, milk, peanuts, sesame seeds, and everything else they tested for. So I really feel like she may be celiac. I called her GI to let them know what the testing showed and how we plan to very gradually add wheat to her diet. GI agreed that was a good plan and to call with any symptoms or distress.
So my questions are: what symptoms did your LO have, and what should I really look for? How long should I expect it to take before I see a problem, or see that she has outgrown whatever the problem was? What testing is available besides the allergy testing?
Thanks in advance ladies. I know these questions have probably been asked about a hundred times, but I did look through a few pages to see some answers.
Re: Intro to board and some advice needed.
The only answer I know is that there is a blood test available for celiac but she needs to actively be eating wheat to get a definate answer one way or another. Beyond that, I'm no help, sorry.
Allergic to soy, oat, egg, peanuts, and tree nuts
Thanks, we have started introducing very small amounts. She does not seem to be tolerating it well, but I can't tell for sure as my xh has her now until tomorrow. So we will see.
I gave her 1/8 tsp of wheat germ in a bowl of grits yesterday and her face was splotchy within 20 minutes, and by bed time she was very burpy and her stomach might have been a little bloated, but I couldn't tell for sure. She also woke in the middle of the night. She is teething so I am not sure what the cause of the midnight wake up was.
xh is supposed to give her grits with 1/4 tsp wheat germ today, and log her symptoms and call if she gets bad. Here is hoping he will do what is right for her.