Food Allergy

This is why I don't allow other people to cook for DS yet!

I made him pancakes this morning and used vegetable oil that was 100% SOYBEAN oil!  I cleared out the pantry of almost all of his allergens after we discovered his allergies.  I guess I missed the oil.  I usually check every label even if I bought it at the store and checked it there.  I don't know what happened this morning or what was going through my head!  If I made this mistake and it is my child and I check labels like a MAD would vbe very easy for someone else to miss an ingredient considering he is allergic to soy, egss, peanut, is probably milk intolerant and is avoiding tree nuts, sesame, shellfish, and all dairy!  I could not blame the person cooking for him if they made a mistake considering I just did!

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