My daughter had a cow's milk sensitivity when she was born so I was on a dairy free diet while nursing and then she was on nutramigen. Her ped did a blood test at 9 months and determined she was no longer allergic to dairy or soy so we started her on yogurt and cheese and she did fine with those. She just turned one and we had the all clear to move her to whole milk but in an abundance of caution, I transitioned her to enfagrow gentlease instead (partially broken down cow's milk protein). While I was transitioning, she seemed to do fine with it. No change in bowels and she took to the taste. Now she is totally moved over but for the past few days her bowels are not usual (either runnier than usual, definitely smellier, and occassionally she has been constipated). She has also been much crankier and fussier than her normal self. I know she is also teething (she has about 6 teeth coming in at once) and my dad was just visiting and came down with a cold which DD was exposed too (she seems sniffly and sneezy although that isn't uncommon for her when teeth are coming in either). Anyway, long story short, would be interested in hearing your thoughts as to whether you would chalk it up to coincidence or go back to (the much more expensive) nutramigen? Given her blood test and the fact that it is partially broken down formula, not whole milk, I am inclined to assume this is something else, but the change in her disposition is so dramatic, I don't know!
Re: Toddler Formula Causing Fussiness?
I would lean toward something other than the formula making her cranky, or perhaps its just the fact that you changed formulas at all. Babies' little systems can take a couple weeks to adjust to something new, but once they've adjusted, they're fine. My DD is on Similac Sensitive (the equivalent of gentlease) and does just fine, but yogurt is still an impossibility in our house, let alone cheese or anything else. I know that allergy tests can be wrong, but given the negative test and the go-ahead from the pedi and the fact that she can eat yogurt, etc., I'd give it a couple weeks to see if the crankiness goes away.
Allergic to soy, oat, egg, peanuts, and tree nuts