Detroit Babies

Anyone in the Fenton/Grand Blanc/Flint area?

Hi -

I'm looking to sign up for prenatal water aerobics or something along those lines in the Fenton/Grand Blanc/Flint area. Anyone know of a place that offers it?

Lilypie - (5HR9)


Re: Anyone in the Fenton/Grand Blanc/Flint area?

  • someetimes the southern lakes parks & recs offers it at the fenton high school pool.  here is their website  not sure if they are offering anything right now. I would check holly schools and gb school too.
    image Sandy RIP 1-11-09 imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • At my gym they told me a senior class would be similar impact to a prenatal class, so you could ask about senior classes if you can't find a prenatal one.
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    DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


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