Food Allergy

Question about epi pens when it is this HOT out

I know it has been asked before...wish the search feature worked!  I normally just keep the epi pens and Benadryl in my purse and keep that with me at all times.  It usually peaks around 85 here and I try to keep my purse in the shade or under the stroller or whatever.  Today we are going to a work picnic with my husband's work.  UGH.  150ish people and a million foods.  And it is probably going to be 95 and sunny.  I don't know how to keep the meds cool, but not cold. 
O 10.08 & MJ 6.10

Re: Question about epi pens when it is this HOT out

  • if you keep it out of the direct sun you should be fine. I keep it in a case.  It's over a 100 here today so i do daily checks. 

    You can check and see if your epipen is okay by checking the liquid, if it's foggy than it's bad. 

  • Thanks Magdusia.  As if the picnic wasn't going to be stressful enough :/
    O 10.08 & MJ 6.10
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    Thanks Magdusia.  As if the picnic wasn't going to be stressful enough :/

    i would crazy glue her to my hip! good luck  and hope you get to enjoy it. 

  • My Australian friend helped me with this issue since they get very hot weather.  She uses a cooling case made by Frio that is designed for insulin. We used it in Mexico and it was fabulous - keeps the medication slightly cool, but not cold.

  • Hope you might see this late response. Epi-pens should be kept at room temperature, not cold. A short time at temps up to 86 degrees F are okay. What to look for in a chemically altered Epi-pen? Cloudiness or particulates in the solution, a pinkish color, or a color darker than slightly yellow. Personally, I'd be more concerned about protecting it from light, as long as it's not at high temp for an extended period of time.
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