We finally gave up on CDing. It has been 2 months since the last fluffy butt in this house, but I am just no getting around to selling off my stash because I am so bummed about saying goodbye to something I was so passionate about doing.
I have a lot of diapers, all in EUC that I need to get rid of. I made a picasa album so that it would be easier to upload here and a few other places. If you need more info, want to make me (reasonable) offers, or need me to take more pics, please email me at: crep41@ymail.com
Brands included in the de-stash: BSRB, BG, GM, Lil Joey, B4, GroVia, Soft Bums, and Planet Wise wet bags. All EUC unless otherwise noted, but no stains on anything. All washed exclusively in RNG.
Newborn destash coming soon.
Re: FS: CD stash
I'm sorry CDing didn't work out for you!
Will your newborn destash include any prefolds?
Newborn stash is all fitteds and a few BG XS
Shipping is included, I should have said that.
Miles (6 year old Maine C00n mix), Boots (5 year old Lab mix), Darla (4 year old GSD/Collie mix), Frankie (1.5 year old DSH mix), Peanut (15 months old - 09/11), and Bean (arriving Feb 2013).
DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs; cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama
Lesley, please email or PM me. I can't for the life of me remember how to initiate a PM.