I haven't had much swelling, thank goodness. But my feet have swollen enough where it's not comfortable to wear most all of my shoes. The DH tells me the other day that his coworker's feet grew 1/2 size with each of her pregnancies and didn't go back. I'm almost broke down! I have way too many shoes to try and replace if I can never where my current shoes again. I talked to my mom, she had much more swelling than me and her feet went back to size, which gives me some relief. But I'd still like to hear that others went back to size too....or even if they didn't!
Re: Big feet...forever? STMs
I had bought a couple pair of really cute heels before I was pg w/ DS #1, they have never fit comfortably ever since.
I still have them to ooh and aah over when I see them in my closet but eventually I have to face the fact that I was only able to get a couple wears out of them and get rid of them. That'll be a sad day.
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007