We think our DS may be allergic or have an intorelence to eggs. Just recently when he has eggs he's been breaking out in a rash on his cheeks. He also had a really bad diaper rash at this time. Once the egg was out of his system the diaper rash cleared up. Has anyone heard of an egg allergy causing a diaper rash?
Re: Egg allergy/diaper rash?
i'm going through that right now.
My son has a milk, soy, egg and peanut allergy and his soy was the lowest so we decided to give him some bread that had soybean oil in it.. within a few days he got a major diaper rash (and i know he didn't have BM issues that caused it). He also started waking up at night. So we just took it away again and next month we'll give it to him just to make sure it's not a coincidence.
So IMO it is possible to get a diaper rash due to an allergy. There are a few here that have dealt with that also.
Nursed without dairy, egg, soy, peanut, treenut, fish, shellfish or beef for over a year.
Currently tandem nursing dairy, egg, and shellfish free.
DS born via emergency c/s after 20 hrs of labor. DD successful VBAC!
Learning Liam