Working Moms

SleepSack or blanket at day care?

We went to visit our day care today and they mentioned we should bring in a blanket for his crib. We use SleepSacks at home. Do you use a blanket at day care or do you use SleepSacks? 

If I end up buying more SleepSacks for daycare, do you think it's ok to buy them in size medium, instead of small? He's 13 pounds, so i can't imagine he'll be in the small size for much longer. 


ETA: Never mind about the size question. I had a medium in his closet and he's swimming in it. 

Re: SleepSack or blanket at day care?

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    I would say whatever LO is comfortable with.  What is he going to nap better with?  DD hated sleep sacks, so we only use blankets.  I also sent her with a lovey for nap time as well.  Now that she goes to MILs, we just got seperate loveys that are kept there.
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    They asked for blankets, we bring blankets. I was nervous at first, but it's just for napping, the lights are always on, they are allways checking on the babies so I'm not worried about it anymore. Honestly, I don't know if they'd have the time to put the sleep sack on/off for naps. If that's what you prefer though, talk to them about it.
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    SC1977SC1977 member

    The paperwork they sent me home with mentions SleepSacks as an option.  But really, it's lose/lose. Ha. I've tried tucking a blanket into the bottom of the pack n play during naps, but he usually kicks it down and doesn't seem to care for it.  He's better with the sleep sack at night, but if I'm putting it on him after he's fallen asleep it sometimes wakes him up.  He's probably better off with nothing! I guess we'll figure it out.

    Thanks for the responses! 

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    I don't want to worry you, but there have been a number of cases of SIDS in the first weeks at a day care. They hypothesise that the air in the sleep areas in these DCP cribs had worse ventilation than at home. I introduced a fan in DD's PDP sleeping area. Personally, I wouldn't put anything in that crib with a baby under a year. Put extra layers or a sleep sack on the baby if you think they might be cold, but it's better to have a baby cool as overheated babies have been associated with SIDS as well.

    Sorry. I was 100% paranoid about SIDS with DD. Do what you want.

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    We use blankets. When LO started daycare at four months, I was nervous about them using a blanket, as we had only used a swaddle/sleep sack at home. The thing that made me OK with it was the fact that the infant room is fairly small (only six babies) and all of the cribs are within eye shot of the providers at all times. I made sure to tell them he wasn't used to sleeping with blankets at home and to please keep an eye on him. Now, we use a lightweight blanket in his crib at home and he always done fine with it, so I'm less concerned. If my LO was sleeping in a different room at DC, I might insist on the sleepsack until he's a bit older.

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    Personally, I'd feel much more comfortable sending a sleepsack.  My LO, at 17mo, still haven't slept with a loose blanket.  Sleepsacks are safer, keep him warm all nap/night, and are part of the sleeping routine for my LO. 
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