Hello! First, I just want to say how happy I am to see a board like this! My DS was diagnosed for allergies when he was 5 mts old (horrible ezcema) We did a scratch test at 5mts and found out he was allergic to egg, milk and wheat (he has since grew out of wheat) We had a blood test a few months later and this also confirmed milk and egg (egg whites had the highest number).
He is now 2.5 yrs old and we have not given him any products with egg or milk. Here is the confusing part: we had switched from BM to alimentum per my pedi and the ezcema pretty much went away except for a few patches here and there. I recently read that alimentum had milk or milk protein? Just not sure why the pedi would have prescribed it knowing he had the milk allergy, but this explains the tiny eczema patches that he would still get. Now knowing this, do you think that this is an indicator that his milk allergy isn't too severe? We are not giving him anything until we do our food challenge with the allergist(probably a baked good with milk)
Sorry, Im not sure if this is a stupid question or not, it's just that everything with food allergies seems so unsure unless you witness a severe reaction.
Re: Hi, new to the Allergy board with a ?
Sorry - I just want to clarify that he is not on Alimentum now, we stopped that after he turned one. I posted this because I just found out about the milk in alimentum, and I was just curious.
hi and welcome!
Alimentum does have cows milk protein in it but it's dramatically broken down. So many kids with a milk allergy will tolerate it, but a few don't.