Cloth Diapering

FS: BG Elementals, Lil joeys, FB xs, xs sbish soaker

Hi.  I am listing items I still have for sale since linking to spots is not working so well.  All items are in EUC.  No stains and no holes.  Elastics and snaps are all EUC.  The xs and newborn stuff was bought in EUC and never used by me.  Paypal only.  All prices are ppd.  I am really trying to move this stuff so any reasonable offers will be considered.  Please email me at  I check this the most. 

5 EUC BG Elementals in Twilight - $19 each (3 left)


1 EUC BG Elemental in Zinnia - $19 - sold


1 EUC BG Elemental in Bubbble- $19 - sold


2 EUC BG Elemental in Sweet- $19 each or 2 for $35 - sold


Lot of 8 EUC Lil Joeys (red, green, blue, brown, white, grey, yellow, orange) - $90 or best offer (pictured on left) - sold

Lot of 4 FB xs  - $40 or best offer (pictured on right)- SOLD


New, never been used brown xs sbish wool soaker - $25


Lot of 5 knickernappies stay dry doublers with some light staining, 4 medium and 1 small - $5  - sold



Former name = GLUCA IVF #4 DS 11/28/09 Lilypie Second Birthday tickers TTC#2 IVF#3 ER 2/9/11 ET 2/12/11 Beta 1 12dp3dt 51; Beta 2 16dp3dt 449; Beta 3 19dp3dt 1406; Beta 4 23dp3dt 4115; U/S 3/15/11 6w6d HB 135 EDD 11/2/11!!! Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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