
crawling - how old?

how old were your LO's when they started crawling? What kind of things (i.e. movements, stunts) did they do in the weeks/month before crawling?

Reese started getting up on all fours and going backward this week. But it looks like she's doing it by accident. It's not to get somewhere, but to get comfortable when she's trying to nap. Other than pushing up with both hands, she's not really making big strides toward movement (besides rolling).

I see a lot of kids do what looks like yoga poses (downward dog, plank) before crawling. Is this a tell-tale sign? Or do some kids just get up and go one day?

Re: crawling - how old?

  • Mine started just before their 8 month birthday.  DS1 had been up on all fours for almost three month at that point.  Some babies figure out the arm part first and army crawl.  Mine figured out the leg part first and downward dogged quite a bit. 

    He didn't really care much about getting toys until 8 months, so I think that's what finally gave him the motivation to put it all together.  Oddly enough, DS2 showed no signs or interest in crawling until DS1 did it.  Then he did it the next day.  Crazy how that works.Big Smile

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  • DD went from not being able to sit unassisted to crawling and sitting by herself in about a week around 8 months. During that week, she did a lot of rocking on all fours.

    DS started getting on all fours around 8.5 months and rocked and tried crawling for 1.5 months until starting to crawl at 10 months. He's much bigger than DD so he had more junk in his trunk to get off the ground (he's probably close to 25 lbs and DD is probably 18 lbs).

    After they each learned to crawl, it took about a week to perfect it and now they are super fast.

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  • DD started the downward dog just prior to crawling.  Started army crawling & scooting at 7 mos exactly.  Crawled on all fours at 8 mos. 

    DS started downward dog first.  Started army crawling/scooting at 8 mos & crawling up on all fours at 9 mos.  

    They have been exactly one month apart on almost all their milestones.

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    DS was the "get on all 4s and rock" type and not be able to get anywhere and get frustrated.  He did that for a month maybe.  He could do it in his sleep, though.  DD started doing backwards crawling around 6 months maybe, but only in her bed. She was also into the downward facing dog, but I consider that a function of her wearing dresses all the time and not being able to move her knees well. She still crawls funky sometimes if I don't tuck her dress into her bloomers. 

    They both practiced in their sleep really hard right before it happened.  Crawling started a day apart for them, and it was at 7.5 months.  Once DS figured it out and took off, DD decided she was not going to be left behind and did it the next day, even though she never got up on all 4s and rocked unless I helped her get there or she was half-asleep.

    At 8.25 months they crawl everywhere.  Fortunately, they like to get into things together and where DS goes, DD usually follows.  But occasionally they are in opposite directions.   It's exhausting.

  • Oh yeah, both of ours practiced in their sleep. During that 1-2 week period, they both looked so tired. I think they were practicing a lot in their sleep (more than we were even seeing on the monitor) and not sleeping well. They didn't cry at night. Just wake up in the crib, crawl for a second, and then lay back down again. They also got all serious during the day--not their usual giggly selves--b/c they were concentrating so hard on this new milestone.
  • My girls are just starting to crawl now, however they have been getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth for over a month.  They are just starting to figure out moving their arms.  Hannah has been doing the downward facing dog for a while, it's definitely funny to watch cause she gets her butt up pretty high! 

  • If I remember right, one DD started at about 7.5 months but it was just a couple of "steps" on all 4s and then she'd stop and just rock back and forth on her knees. Other DD never really crawled--she skootched (sp?) on her bottom and used one arm/hand to inch along with her legs. We got lots of stares and giggles at her "unique technique"--she did that until she walked months later!
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  • Lily crawled a few days after her 7th monthday.  She got up on all fours around 6 months, and rocked for a month and then one day figured how to go forward.  She never did that downward dog thing.

    Graham watched her do this and was frustrated!  He didn't figure it out for up on all fours at 9 months, and two weeks later crawled!

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  • Mine just started getting up on all 4's and rocking around 7ish months. For a few weeks that's all they did -- rock. Then both of them (within a few days of each other) started army crawling. Nathan figured out how to crawl in the traditional sense about a week later. Ryan has no interest in using his knees. He army crawls everywhere.
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