I'm going to be a freaking paranoid mess for the next month every time we are in the pool/ocean!
I didn't sleep a couple of nights last summer when the whole "dry drowning" stuff was going around here. We would swim all day and all night I would paranoid that I would wake up to a dead child!
Knowledge is a great thing but not when you have anxiety to begin with. Phew-eee!
Re: And great...all of this drowning/pool talk and
didn't that dry drowning thing turn out to be BS? Or at least misrepresented?
Oh God I hope so!!! Because seriously, I had HORRIBLE anxiety over that! Wait, is that a snopes link I see!? This would make my day if it was false. ***off to read link***
Dude. That article makes it worse because there are apparently 3 ways to drown.
Ok, the link made me feel worse. Cam is CONSTANTLY swallowing the damn water! She has puked at least 5 times from swallowing too much water (once in a Vegas pool, that was then shut down for 6 hours -- yea, that was fun! LOL!).
Good Lord - not looking forward to our next beach/pool visit!
Delayed drowning, dry drowning, I'm-at-the-bottom-of-the-pool-and-noone-saw-me drowing ... it's all scary.