got my summons yesterday. i would like to go, but i am nursing LO and she's way too rowdy to bring along, even if they would let me. i am a TERRIBLE pumper, i can go 45 minutes and get less than an ounce. LO doesn't really take a bottle anyway. and on top of all that, i don't know anyone that would be able to watch LO for an extended period like that.
soo...anyone else been called? what did you do?
Re: jury duty- help!
Mommy's little helper
I know in NY you are able to postpone your jury duty one time. Nursing was an excuse- I had been summoned early after my delivery and I had my ob write a letter to excuse me. I was still nursing when I was resummoned (about the same age as your LO) and brought my pump and all that. I was lucky enough to get called in for questions early on in the morning. I sat there for a while and then after questioning let them know I was nursing. I was dismissed but they said I would have been dismissed anyhow. Just be up front. The way they did it for me (not sure if this is standard): judge came in to explain the case, then asked each of us questions like 'do you think you could be objective in this case? do you have anything that you think should dismiss you from the case?' That's when you should mention you are nursing, chances are they'll let you go. They'd have to be able to accomodate you and your schedule and that's probably impossible to do.
Good Luck! I kind of hope I get called again sometime when I have child care available. I think it'd be interesting to be on a case
Getting back to it- my diet and exercise blog
Losing it...Without Losing it
i would ask your OB or ped for a note saying "at this time >> won't be able to participate". which means at a later date you will be able to participate. usually they ask you back within a 6 month period.
We had to do this for FI who was in a bad car accident and is unable to sit in the provided chairs for that long of a period. the dr wrote the letter stated above. the jury office sent him another letter within 6 months. a little irritated i called back saying "it stated in his letter physically he was unable", their response was that the letter needed to specify when/if he'd ever be able to participate. so the Dr wrote saying he would never be able to serve- seeing how the injury is life long and will not get better, only worse with age.