
Any late preemie mom's? Milestones?

DD2 was born at 36w4d. I know that's "almost" term. But she wasn't breathing on her own and was put on a CPAP right away. Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better, but I don't think being born at 37 weeks would have changed it. I don't think she was ready yet.

So anyway, I don't think she's hitting her milestones on time. She's not much behind, but a little. Small things like smiles, laughs, reaching for toys, "talking". She hasn't rolled yet, but technically we aren't behind on that yet. I'm just wondering if her being born at 36 weeks could account for this?

Like, she still hadn't smiled at 2 months old (9 weeks.) but then about a week or so later she did. She's over 3 months now, and holds her head but not super great.

I just don't want to keep worrying. Rolling, Sitting, Crawling. If she's late on all of it, I feel like I want something to blame. Like being born early. IDK. Is it normal? Or should she be on time because she was almost 37 weeks?

I know I'm being paranoid in this post, I'm sorry. I just worry about her. 

Chelsea; 7/22/2005 Carissa; 4/9/2011 Cassidy; 9/6/2012
Baby #4; 7/7/2018

Re: Any late preemie mom's? Milestones?

  • Even though she was close to term, she wasn't, so I'd definitely give her a little leeway in your expectations.  It seems fair to expect her to be somewhere between ~0 and 4 weeks behind when you consider babies really should be born around ~39-41 weeks.  There is a range though - I wouldn't worry at 3 months about rolling, reaching, but would think she should be getting close on head control.  Have you talked to her pedi about your concerns?

  • imagekar5162:

    Even though she was close to term, she wasn't, so I'd definitely give her a little leeway in your expectations.  It seems fair to expect her to be somewhere between ~0 and 4 weeks behind when you consider babies really should be born around ~39-41 weeks.  There is a range though - I wouldn't worry at 3 months about rolling, reaching, but would think she should be getting close on head control.  Have you talked to her pedi about your concerns?

    Ditto this! It seemed like DD hit the early milestones closer to her adjusted age, then as she got older, started hitting her milestones closer and closer to her actual age.

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  • First of all, do not blame yourself! I'm sure you're like the rest of us and would have much preferred to have a term baby or even a late baby. You can't play the "why" and "what if" games. You'll make yourself crazy.
    As far as milestones, use her adjusted age. Even though she was this.close to term, she was born at almost 40 weeks. What I'm seeing with my boys is that they are hitting some milestones at actual age and others at adjusted age. If you are really concerned, talk to your pedi.
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  • My DS was born at 36 weeks 3 days and spent 7 days in the NICU (jaundice and feeding issues).  I recommend using the adjusted age so you worry less.  My DS has been on the later side of the early milestones, but these milestones have such a broad range that he hasn't been outside of the normal range yet.

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  • Every kid is different and those ranges are only averages.  If she is having problems with only 1 thing but is obviously progressing in other areas, then she's probably fine.  Of course talk to your pedi if you think there is a serious concern.

    DD started walking at exactly 14m, 12.5 adjusted.  My cousin's full term son didn't walk until around 18m.  They just do things at their own pace and you shouldn't try to compare her to your other DD or other kids.  I know it's easier said than done, but keep telling yourself that.  :-)  

    DD actually didn't roll until really late.  I think she started crawling (at 9m act.) before rolling well.  I wasn't too worried because she was really good at pulling herself up and obviously had muscle tone and all of that.  She just couldn't get both halves of her body together.

    Another anecdote is that a good friend of mine used to work in EI (early intervention).  She would go do evaluations and a lot of the times she would get there only to find that the baby just started doing the skill the mom called about.  Give yourself those 3 weeks if it makes you feel better.

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  • I know what you mean!  My baby was born at 34w1d, and spent 22 days in the NICU.  He has just started to coo and smile socially at 12-13 weeks (6-7 weeks adjusted).  His head control is getting better but not completely there yet.  So I pretty much go by his adjusted age, because at his real age he was nowhere near where the milestones said he should be.  

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