I have been lurking for a little while and have really learned a lot from this board. I figured it was time to introduce myself, since I know I'll have questions (and I do already!).
I have an 18 month old, and the short story behind his birth is this- went into labor the day before my due date, went to the hospital but was only 1-2cm. Instead of sending me home they decided to give me pitocin since my blood pressure was a little elevated. The next afternoon they decided on a c-section. Baby was face up, I was dilated to 7 but he wasn't dropping at all and his heart rate was starting to drop after each contraction. Basically he was stuck. In fact, this is what it says on my medical records which I just got today: 1. Fetal distress. 2. Arrest of descent. 3. Right occipitoposterior presentation with thin meconium.
I am unsure of whether or not I want to attempt a vbac, but I feel like I should at least explore all my options. VBAC's are VERY uncommon here in Orlando (and I think in all of Florida), unfortunately. As far as I can see there is only one practice here that does them, and it's a pretty big city. So tomorrow I have a meeting with a doctor from that practice so I can ask all my questions. I should add that the more I read about VBAC's, the more I want one. What makes me hesitate is that I really had a very nice c-section experience. My recovery was a breeze. But I think a vaginal birth could be an even better experience, and I also have to keep in mind that I will have a 2 year old to care for this time.
So on to my first question- looking through my medical records, I was trying to find if I have single layer closure or double. The only thing I could find is this: Hysterotomy was closed with 0 Vicryl in a continuous locking fashion and required a figure-of-eight stitch to obtain hemostasis. ???? Can anyone translate? Does that mean single or double or it doesn't say?
Re: Intro and question
They are so hard to understand. Mine says, "the uterine incision was reapproximated using 0 Vicryl sutures in a running locked fashion. A second imbricating [overlapping] layer of the same suture was then applied to the uterine incision and adequate hemostasis was achieved."
It looks like they stitched yours twice, but I don't know if that means single or double layer... I would totally ask your doctor all these questions, and take your paperwork with you. :-)
Sorry I can't help you the medical jargon there! All I know is that my OB never even asked about single or double layer, and I had a VBAC with no problems.
I had a c/s for arrest of descent/OP position too. Second baby was OP and came out easily.
Thanks, that is very encouraging!
Oops I meant to say second baby was OA, not OP! But my OB for my VBAC assured me that even if I had another OP baby, we had options besides just doing another cesarean.