We finally got to meet with the social worker who will be doing our PRIDE classes and our homestudy. She will set up specific class times for just my husband and I because our schedules are so hard to work around. She gave us an overview of what the process will be like and we set up a meeting for next Thursday. Thursdays meeting will be at our house, so I have some serious cleaning to do!
When the classes and homestudy are done we will able to either do straight adoption from foster care or be matched with birthmom for infant adoption. I love that this program leaves options open for us.
Re: First Meeting
Yay for moving forward!
Try not to stress too much about the homevisit next week. Ours was MUCH more laid back than I thought it would be. I made myself crazy cleaning for that thing! I even took everything off the walls and washed them. Oy.