Georgia Babies

balance- should I be worried?

Sometimes Liam is crawling around totally fine and he loses his balance and falls on this back and cracks his head on the hardwoods.   Which I attribute to normal baby stuff. 

Except in the last hour its happened like 5 times.  How much can one little noggin take?  I tried to see if he wanted to take a little mini nap, maybe he's just tired, but that didn't go over.  He nursed for 10 minutes then started playing like he'd just gotten 8 hours of sleep.

He seems fine now, but should I be worried about his balance?   

Re: balance- should I be worried?

  • I remember Gavin falling over all the time too.  Dr said not to worry, it's all part of the learning process.  I wouldn't worry yet... just mention it at his next appt.






  • I had the same worry because our old house was all hard words and I felt like Derek fell all.the.time but everyone, including the dr's, said it was normal and that their heads are still forming and he would be fine. You could always ask the pedi just to be sure.
    Derek 6.30.09 & Parker 4.1.11
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  • Mia is *still* flopping over and knocking her head about often.  Our pedi says it's normal, but it wouldn't hurt to ask yours.

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