Food Allergy

MSPI, possible Chicken intolerance?

DS was diagnosed with MSPI around 8 weeks old. At 10 weeks, he was on Elecare exclusively and has thrived! We have to wait until he is 12 months to introduce eggs. 

We gave him a jar of Earth's Best Chicken and Sweet Potato on Monday. For two nights in a row he has not slept well and was gassy. He literally only slept 20 minutes between midnight and 6:30 am last night. I'm wondering if the chicken is causing discomfort? I'm going to call me Pedi GI tomorrow, hoping tonight will be better.  


I'm stumped!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: MSPI, possible Chicken intolerance?

  • was he ever tested for food allergies?

    Some kids can't tolerate meat that young.   I personally don't agree with giving children meat before they are 12 months old.  I don't think they are ready.. but that's my own opinion obviously. 

    My son couldn't tolerate meat until he was about 16 months old.  He would gag every time we gave it to him.  

    It might be too heavy or just not ready.  I would take it away and re-introduce it when he's 1.

  • Our Pedi GI told us testing at his age is not always accurate. He ended up with gunky eyes and mucous in his diaper last night. I called today, and was told it probably an intolerance. I shouldn't give him any meat until 12 months. We have a regular appointment with her in September. 

    I am so sad that I caused his pain once again:(  Intolerances stink!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • Did you double check the other ingredients in the baby food?  I found that when shopping for DS, there was a lot of hidden dairy in baby food where you wouldn't expect it (ie- meat and rice combos, oatmeal in a jar, etc).
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