North Carolina Babies

CVS or amino experience

I'm full of questions today :)

I meet with the OB Coodinator on Friday in which we'll talk about testing options for this pregnancy.  I'll be considered "advanced maternal age" since I'll be 35 when the baby is born (birthday next month).  With both girls, we only did the NT scan.  I'm trying to decide if this "AMA" status really warrants us doing any further testing.  Anyone do them?  How was your experience?  I know I have time to decide (at least a few weeks for CVS) but I'm already freaking myself out about it.  I'm one who believes in knowing as much as possible to prepare but they seem scary.  TIA

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Re: CVS or amino experience

  • AnneNCAnneNC member

    I had both tests done with Brooke, because the NT scan produced some less than favorable results and they recommended further testing.  You do NOT want to do the CVS unless it is something your OB requests..... It was awful.  Quite painful, and it didn't work (doc couldn't get the cells she needed) and thus we ended up having the amnio anyway.  The amnio wasn't bad at all, a little scary but there wasn't really any pain. 

    I can send you a more detailed email about my experience if you'd like.  :) 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • ITA w/ Anne.  We didn't do the CVS however I have done the amnio when I was pg with MG.


    It wasn't a horrible experience however I elected not to do with with L because everything looked good.  Had there ever been any doubt about anything at all we would have done it immediately.

    If I were you (and I'm not) I'd do the NT scan and if that looks good probably just enjoy your pg.  

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  • I was AMA and had an amnio after "elevated" NT results. Before the NT scan, my OB warned that I would likely end up with unfavorable results because the vast majority of AMA women do. Like you, I wanted to know what the situation was so I could be prepared for it.

    The amnio process wasn't horrible or painful, just uncomfortable. The anticipation of the procedure and then waiting the weekend for the FISH results, on the other hand, were mentally exhausting and stressful.

    If I was doing it again, I would still do the NT scan rather than jump to the amnio since there is a (minimal) risk involved. If you have any questions about the amnio, just let me know!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Girl P - 11/15/10
  • Thanks.  I'm definitely going to first see what the NT scan screening results look like.  If my number are good, then I won't be doing any further testing.  I'm not sure if  the OB coordinator will have to know on Friday when I go in my thoughts on the tests so thanks for all your input.  I'll definitely reach out if I end up going with either and have questions.  Thanks!
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  • I was 38 when I had Katie [so definitely more AMA than you ;-)] I was very much against wanting to do either of those tests due to the m/c risks. Katie's First Tri screening results came back amazing [1:84 ratio went to 1:2,754] so I didn't have to consider the tests. With this pregnancy [now 41], my First Tri tests did not come back great [1:64 went to 1:73], so their protocol is automatically schedule a "genetic counseling" meeting. They scheduled it and told me about it when they called with the results. I was also notified that I could cancel that meeting if I wanted to, and if I told them during that call, they'd cancel it for me or if I wanted to think about it, then I could call back and have it cancelled. They definitely left that all up to me. I debated about it, because I knew they were going to tell me about the only thing they could do was either an Amnio or a CVS, and again, I really didn't want to do either.

     I did decide to go ahead and go to the appointment though, since I didn't know all of the details of what the test results meant nor all of the details of the procedures. The chick was very nice in explaining everything to me. My choices were to just wait to see what the 2nd Tri screening results were or to have a CVS in the next two weeks or an Amnio after that point. The 2nd Tri screening results would have given more information, but would not have provided a definitive answer as to why my First Tri results came out the way they did, whereas these tests would have. The CVS is only done during certain weeks, and then after that, they perform Amnios. An Amnio is slightly less risky than a CVS, but considering how I agnonized for days about just having the genetic appointment, I knew I wouldn't be able to go 2-3 more weeks before it was time to have the Amnio and then wait the time to get the results back.

    They were able to fit me in that afternoon to have the CVS. It kinda hurt, but I also had MAJOR stressors at work going on at that time, so being worn out from that didn't help, I'm sure. I took it pretty easy over the weekend, and didn't feel too bad. I was SOO scared that if I was too active that I'd cause a m/c. Once a few days passed and I realized I wasn't going to lose this baby too, then I was able to start obsessing about waiting for the results. It took about a week and a few days to get the results, which felt like forevah! Luckily everything came back normal, so now I have the peace of mine my OCD brain needs!

    If I had to do it all over again, I would probably do exactly what I did for both pregnancies. Katie's didn't warrant further testing, but this one kinda did. Perhaps I could have waited a few more weeks for the less riskier Amnio, but it worked out for me with the CVS.

    I'd tell you to email if you have any other questions, but I kinda just gave you my whole spiel. ;-) Good luck with your decisions. They definitely aren't easy!

    Katie, Duke Gardens, 6months


    Zach, Duke Gardens, 6months


    Photo courtesy from the amazing Ever You Photography!

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