Eco-Friendly Family

The Wonderwash??

Hi ladies!

I live in a small 2nd floor apartment and my landlady won't allow us to have a washer/dryer. I was wondering if any of you heard of the wonderwash and have experience with it?  I'd love to use this for my CD's and other small loads.

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Re: The Wonderwash??

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    There was a review posted a long while ago that it worked. If you use prefolds the wonder wash will probably work the best with them since those aren't as finnicky as some other diapers. It will also give you quite a workout using it as well.
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    I know this is really old, but I just lurked upon it. :)  I have a wonderwash, and I love it! It really works! I will say that I am thankful that I do not have to use it for every load of laundry that I do, but it would definately be a useful item if I didn't have a washer. HTH!!

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