
Overdue intro and question on vaccinations

Hi! I have been lurking for a few weeks and thought that I should formally introduce myself.  My DD was born at exactly 34 weeks.  She had a 20 day stay in the NICU/NTS.  She did not need any respiratory assistance etc, really just needed to grow and work on her feeds once she kicked the jaundice.  She was 4lb 11.5oz at birth and weighed in at 8lb 4oz at 8w 1d (2w 1d adjusted). 

I was curious what everyone was doing for vaccinations?  She has her two month appt on Friday and it just seems like a lot of vaccinations for a 9lb baby.. do you plan on staggering them out or doing them on schedule?


Re: Overdue intro and question on vaccinations

  • Ours were/are done on schedule. Both boys had their first round in the hospital and we have been keeping on track with the pedi.  They were 5lb 6oz and 6lb something and were just fine.

    Congratulations on your DD and welcome!   

    Edit because it posted before I was done 


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  • On schedule. DD just had her 2 month shots on Monday, and she weighs 6lbs12oz.

    IMHO, I thought it was more risky to not have her take her shots on time (and get sick) than deal with the small chance that she would have a reaction to the shots.

    BFP #1 via IUI ~ L (Fatal Birth Defect) 4/7/10
    BFP #2 via IUI ~ m/c
    BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP) 5/16/11
    BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz) 9/13/12

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  • My daughter just had her 2month appointment a couple of weeks ago and she had all of her 2months shots that day. She was fussy that night but was fine after that!
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  • We went on schedule.  It is what all the neos, the pedi, the nnps (really everyone) recommended.  Gabe was 5lb 14oz at his 2 month appt.  He got all the 2 month shots and his 1st Hep B shot.  He did okay with it.  Ran a small fever and that was it. 
    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
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  • OscarQOscarQ member
    Kevin had all his vaccinations on schedule in the NICU - got the four month shots the week before discharge.  We're keeping him on schedule for now.
  • kck329kck329 member

    IMHO, I thought it was more risky to not have her take her shots on time (and get sick) than deal with the small chance that she would have a reaction to the shots.

    This exactly.

    We did DD's 2 month shots in the NICU and she was still barely 6 pounds so we had them give one shot a day for three days in case she had a reaction to one. She did fine with everything so a the advice of her pedi, we did her 4 month shots in one sitting and other than the normal fussiness, she did fine. 

  • we did on schedule. s weighed two pounds when she had her first rounds of shots and we agonized over whether or not to do them on schedule. but we talked to every neo in atlanta practically, and they all recommended we do them on schedule b/c the risk of her going home & getting sick w/out them was much worse than risks from the shots.


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  • Also on schedule here. The only difference was the first Hep B was given with his 2 month shots instead of in the NICU.
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  • ppantsppants member
    My twins were born at 32w weighing 4 lbs 9 oz and 4 lbs.  We had them vaccinated on a regular schedule with no issues.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • Thank you for all the responses .  I have friends that are staggering vaccinations on full term babies so it just got me thinking about what others were doing, 
  • My little boys were also born at exactly 34 weeks; Jack clocked in at 5lbs 0.5oz and was in NICU for 23 days, Ian was 4lbs 10.5oz and was in NICU for 8 days. At their 2 month appointment, Ian was just over 8lbs and Jack was just over 9. We opted to give them all of their shots on schedule. They fussed for a few minutes afterwards, but they were fine the rest of the day. They didn't spike fevers, they didn't eat less than usual, and they weren't extra fussy. As long as your pedi thinks it's safe, I don't see any reason not to keep her on schedule. They'll adjust the dose of vaccine based on her weight, so no worries there. GL mama! I think the shots were harder on me than on the boys!
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